5 Steps to Start Your Article Marketing Campaign

When I got laid off last May, I had never heard of affiliate marketing, BUM Marketing, or making money online. I certainly didn’t know that articles could be a great source of income if written and promoted properly.

All of these things seemed like impossibilities to me, especially the fact that I could actually start to make money online without investing any of my own. I’ve learned a lot about article marketing over the past year, and I’m going to share some of that information with you today.

The more I researched, the more I kept hearing the term “BUM Marketing”. Many people had been talking about this concept, and the more I learned, the more I wanted to give it a try. The concept is simple. You find a product that you want to promote, and then you write a series of articles about it and submit them to article directories, social networking sites, and blogs.

This is easier said than done. You don’t just snap your fingers and start earning money from your articles. You need to write them first, and that’s not always easy. The first thing you need is a product to promote. You can easily find products by browsing through some popular affiliate networks.

These affiliate networks have marketplaces where people post their products. The idea is simple. Every time a product is sold through one of your affiliate links, the vendor gives you a percentage of the total sale. How do people find your links? That’s simple enough. They are inserted into the resource box of your articles. The resource box is a small author bio at the end of the article, usually two or three sentences long.

It’s a good idea to read an ebook or two about internet marketing before you get started. If you decide to purchase one, you have to be careful about what you buy because lots of them don’t deliver on what they promise. Frankly, many products and ebooks for sale on the net are nothing more than overpriced, rehashed material that you could find for free if you looked hard enough.

After you learn a little more about affiliate marketing and how to earn money writing articles, you can even get a domain name, hosting, and a few private label rights products, and you could sell your own and keep all of the profits. By doing this, you not only get to keep all of the profits, but you get to find other people to promote your products for you. These people will actually write and submit articles that will earn you money!

After you have found your products, you’ll need to start writing articles about them. If you aren’t a good writer, you can buy articles from several places on the internet. You can either hire a ghostwriter to write exclusively for you, or you can pick up a package of PLR articles and edit them. It’s important to rewrite PLR articles so you’ll get indexed by the search engines and you won’t get penalized for duplicate content.

If you are a great writer, then you’ll have no problem writing lots of articles quickly. In addition to writing articles for money and submitting them to article directories, you’ll need to start a free blog. There are several free platforms available. It’s just a matter of finding the one you are most comfortable with.

5 Steps For Promoting Affiliate Products With Articles

Step 1: Write Your Article – Obviously, you’ll need to produce an article before you do anything else. You can’t earn money writing articles without an article! Before you compose your article, you’ll need to do some keyword research if you want your article to have any chance of getting a good search engine ranking. Pick 2 phrases related to your niche to write your article around. I’d recommend finding phrases with 500-1000 searches per month.

Step 2: Proofread Your Article And Check Your Links – There’s nothing more unprofessional than a misspelled and sloppy article. Also, if your affiliate links don’t work properly, how can you expect to make a sale?

Step 3: Publish Your Article To Your Blog – The first place you should publish your article to is your blog. This is a good idea because the content belongs to you and it should be made available to your loyal blog readers first.

Step 4: Submit Your Article To The Directories – There are dozens, maybe hundreds of article directories out there, but only a few are worth submitting your article to. You’ll want to stick to about ten or fifteen of the best directories. A good indicator is page rank. The higher the better.

Step 5: Submit Your Articles To Social Media Sites – Submitting your article to social media sites will give your article some publicity and a few good backlinks as well. Again, there are many social media sites, but only a few will actually make a big impact on your traffic and sales.

If you follow this 5 step system with every article you write, then you should start seeing success in your affiliate marketing ventures. This system has worked for me so far and I’ve been doing it for just over a year. It will take some time, however. Like I said earlier, I am just starting to see a substantial income from this system and I’m confident that I’ll continue to earn money writing articles.

I would also recommend a reading an article marketing guide or two to help you to learn about writing articles for traffic and sales. Once you get good at writing articles, you will even be able to start getting paid for writing articles for other people. Good web content is very valuable and if you really want to learn how others are making money writing articles, getting advice from the experts is a good place to start.

Author Bio: I have been earning a great income from the internet and article marketing since 2008. If you are interested in learning more about marketing and making money online, you can read a great free 6 part course on my blog. Visit: Guide To Making Money Online

Category: Marketing
Keywords: article marketing,affiliate marketing,how to write articles,make money online

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