A Good Liquid Phosphorus Supplement Provides Mental Clarity And Strong Bones

Phosphorus combines with iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium to form strong bones. We have been programmed to instantly think about calcium when we hear of strong bones and teeth. The media has turned us into a one mineral per symptom community. In reality, it takes multiple minerals to promote health. Did you know that without phosphorus, all of that calcium would not help your bones? Phosphorus is the mineral for bone density; with out it bones are weak and fragile. Along with phosphorus, magnesium keeps the calcium in a liquid form so it can be distributed to the proper places and not just built up on the bones as bone spurs. So it takes more than just calcium for strong bones and teeth like the television has programmed us as children.

Phosphorus is the Intelligence Mineral.

Phosphorus must be in the proper quantity to enhance the reproductive organs, autonomic nervous system, ganglia, brain and other nerve networks and strengthens the nervous system tissue. It combines with other elemental minerals to strengthen tissue integrity, function and metabolism. Autism and other brain dysfunctions are a sign of low phosphorus. For your brain to think quickly and intelligently, you need phosphorus. That is why it is called the intelligent mineral. High levels of stress and concentration deplete the phosphorus in your body and show up in the urine.

A 150 lb person has about 2 lbs of phosphorus in their body. Phosphorus is necessary in the synthesis of RNA and DNA and it is important for bone and teeth construction.

The delicate acid-base balance in the body is buffered by the mineral phosphorus. It helps build the blood and improves cell nutrition. The proper amounts of phosphorus ensure a balance of the acid/alkaline ration in the digestive juices, blood and the distribution of liquid throughout the tissues. This Mineral is found in body fluids and in solid tissue.

Low Phosphorus Symptoms

If you are low on phosphorus, some of the symptoms may include Neuralgia, Little or No Confidence, Bone Density Loss, Digestive and Heart Problems, Morbidity, Fearfulness, Paranoia, Fatigue, Numbness, Sensitivity to Noise, Agoraphobia and Autism. That is not to say that you will have all of these. For proper diagnosis, be sure to see a doctor who can do a blood test or a hair analysis for phosphorous deficiency. Just because you have one of these symptoms does not automatically mean you need phosphorus. Health is a complex blend of minerals as I have illustrated with the growth and strength of bones. Then be sure to buy a phosphorus supplement that will really help you.

Is Your Phosphorus Supplement the Best It Could Be?

Is your phosphorus supplement being absorbed by your body? Or are you throwing money down the drain? Most minerals supplements are in forms that the body has a hard time digesting, like tablets. Capsules are easier to digest and a liquid phosphorus supplement is the best form. A supplement with better absorption means more mineral for your dollar. Choose a liquid mineral that is not combined with a lot of other minerals. Combining minerals may make them hard to digest. Single minerals on an atomic size are absorbable by the cell with out digestion. Thus You get more mineral for your dollar.

Author Bio: Angstrom minerals is dedicated to the most absorbable minerals for health. Single minerals or specially tested combinations for best absorption. If your body cannot absorb the mineral, you are wasting your money. Phosphorus Supplement

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: phosphorus supplement, liquid phosphorus, angstrom phosphorus, liquid phosphorus supplement

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