A Review Of Jerry Moore’s DotCom Income Secrets

I took the plunge and decided to pick up a copy of this product today. I had been promoting the product for a while and the sales page looked really great, so I gave it a shot. Another thing that peaked my interest was the fact that it was only $9.97. This is an honest review of my findings and a little about the product.

Like I said, the sales page looked great and it appeared to be selling some sort of a system. It actually looked similar to another produce I promote called Legit Online Jobs. That product is really great, but it’s a little pricier at $49.95. The main focus of LOJ is to teach you how to tap the multi-million dollar advertising industry. If used properly, that product can make you a lot of money. I haven’t had time to give it a full whirl yet, but when I do I’m going to be posting the results on my blog.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I thought the price was great so I gave it a shot. After paying, I landed on the download page (after clicking through several one-time offer pages) and got access to the product and the bonuses which are specified on the sales page. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were several other bonuses included as well. You know me, I love free stuff, so I wasn’t complaining.

Before I start talking about the actual product I want to discuss the bonuses a little bit. The sales page says that you get a free $300 affiliate site and a paid survey database. They were both there. I like the paid survey database but the free website is nothing more than a Clickbank product where you have to buy the upgrade to really take advantage of it. I could basically do without that. In fact, I think the seller should have listed some of the other bonuses instead of that one.

Alright, onto the actual ebook. The ebook, DotCom Income Secrets 2.0, is 78 pages. It wasn’t really what I expected, but it was well worth the $9.97 nonetheless. I had expected a sort of “work from home” type system much like Legit Online Jobs, but it wasn’t really like that. DotCom Income Secrets is basically a blueprint that shows you how to make money through affiliate marketing and blogging. Several concepts are discussed such as article marketing, keyword research, niche marketing, Adsense, website building, and how to start with no investment. It’s really good stuff, but there isn’t much I didn’t already know.

The ebook opens with a nice affiliate marketing tutorial. It discusses getting set up with Clickbank and marketing affiliate products using free methods, then moves into article marketing and free blogs. It teaches the reader about Adsense and how to place the ads properly for maximum clicks, and then moves into utilization of keywords and RSS tactics. There is a nice chapter on website building and how to build a content website. This is where the author really gets into “long tail” keyword research and SEO.

You’ll learn how to obtain and create content, how to protect your website, and how to use Adwords to generate traffic and sales. There’s also a very long and informative chapter about Adsense and how to make money with it. The book then closes with showing you how to get your site indexed quickly and then rolls into SEO and shows you some tips and tricks to get ranked highly for your chosen keywords.

Press releases and other promotional methods are also discussed. Chapter 10 talks about list building and Chapter 11 is loaded with some great secrets about how you can out do your competition. Chapter 12 talks about making money on Ebay and it’s pretty good info but nothing too extensive. The final chapter discusses viral marketing and how to take advantage of it, and then there is a small summary and conclusion to close out the ebook.

Author Bio: If you are interested in learning more about DotCom Income Secrets and how it can help you make money online, you can read a more conclusive review at DotCom Income Secrets Review

Category: Business
Keywords: jerry moore\’s dotcom income secrets review,dotcom income secrets,dotcom income secrets review

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