Become a Fast Expert in Combat Self Defense

Typically, the word combat is used to describe war. But unfortunately, there is a war going on in streets all over the world. But this type of combat is quite different. And the opponent is not always aware. Combat self defense is a great strategy to teach you how to defend yourself in a violent situation.

Unfortunately, violence is a part of our lives. Rape, murder, assault and armed robbery are everyday occurrences. And they are certainly not only limited to big cities. Small towns the world over all have criminals. And they are out there, lurking, and waiting for someone to prey on. This might all seem very scary, but thankfully there is something you can do about it. By engaging in hand to hand combat training, you will gain the skills and tools necessary to defend yourself in any type of violent situation.

Rapists and murderers have no sense of morality. They will strike on anyone they want at any time. We are all potential victims. But that doesn’t mean we have to roll over and take it. By learning combat self defense strategies, you will learn how to turn any attacker over on their head in a matter of seconds. Even if you are on the small side of the scale, it doesn’t matter. Hand to hand combat training will show you that size in fact has nothing to do with it. It is all about strategy.

In just a few hours of training at home, you will go from potential prey to a potential predator to anyone who gets in your way. This type of training will teach you techniques to get the gun or knife out of your attackers hands and turn the tables around on the situation. Just think of the satisfaction you will get as you watch your attacker handcuffed and sent off to the big house. They won’t know what hit them and it will certainly make them think twice about attacking a stranger in the future.

By simply changing your mindset, you can become a vicious defender. If you are scared, the perpetrator will be able to tell. And they will most certainly take advantage of your fears. But if you are calm, cool and collected, they will have nothing to work with. That is the first step in combat self defense. It teaches you how to switch your thinking and how to always be on guard, just waiting for a potential situation.

With the close combat training videos, you will learn the very same techniques that the military uses when they have to do hand to hand combat. Although you may not think that you live in a war zone, when you are confronted by a man with a gun demanding your money or a rapist trying to kidnap you, you will realize that the world’s wars are not only fought overseas.

You don’t need to become an expert. By simply becoming aware of the techniques available to you, you will already have an advantage over your opponent. Most criminals learn what they know from the streets. You will have proven techniques that will blow their minds and have them on the ground, begging for mercy in mere seconds.

Author Bio: For more details about combat self defense & hand to hand combat training, please visit

Category: Sports
Keywords: combat self defense, hand to hand combat training

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