Best Fat Burning Workout: Are Your Fat Burning Exercises Making You Fat?

Most of individuals looking to burn fat today are relying on long duration moderate paced aerobic exercise as their primary fat burning workout program. However, recent scientific studies show us that this is not a very effective fat burning workout style. One could say that the whole moderate paced aerobic exercise explosion we witnessed in the 1980’s was one of the biggest mistakes in the fitness industry. You are probably asking “Why?” since like most people you have probably believed that moderate paced aerobic exercise is the best fat burning workout.

Science has now discovered a number of reasons, but for now I will discuss the two main ones here. When you perform moderate paced aerobic exercise for extended periods of time (in a typically recommended target heart rate), your body is burning fat during the exercises. So this sounds pretty good so far right?

Don’t get too excited yet because what this dose is it actually trains your body to keep a certain amount of stored fat so that it is available for your next so called “fat burning workout”. Basically you are training your body that it needs to have fat available to burn, for your next fat burning workout session. So while you may be burning some fat with this type of fat burning exercise method, after the workout is over, our body will start storing up some fat for your next fat burning workout. This is not what you want to happen if your goal is a get a very lean body.

The other main problem with moderately paced aerobic exercise performed couple times per week is that it will train your heart, lungs, and muscles to become more efficient. This might sound good, but what is really happening is bad for long term health and fat burning. The main reason for this is because you are working mainly within your body’s existing aerobic limits, and are not improving your aerobic capacity.

This is very important because your body’s aerobic capacity will determine how your body deals with physical, emotional, and mental stress. When you lower your capacity for work, as you do in this type of exercise, you are lowering your long term health, as well as decreasing your burning fat.

The good news is, you can reverse these negative effects in as little as one week by instead focusing your workouts on proper high intensity resistance training, along with a good interval training program. Plus you will be able to burn more fat while working out less, giving you the best fat burning workout results.

The students of my Fat Burner IQ program know this, and are enjoying the benefits. When you think about how little time you have to spend compared to the traditional workout methods to get these fat burning results, it’s really amazing. Remember that to have the best fat burning workout experience you need to learn how to exercise smarter not harder. Knowledge is power and with power comes great change.

Author Bio: Bogumil Gizewski is a renowned fitness expert and the founder of Lose Fat 1 and he is also the creator of populer fitness programs such as Fat Burner IQ fat burning program and Abs IQ workout program.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: burning fat, lose fat, fat burning workout

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