Big Brother Television Series

If you love gossip and if you are a person who instinctively finds your way into other’s lives, then Big Brother Television Series is your kind of show. In all honesty, I just love the show. If you are wondering what this particular show is all about and if you have never heard about it before, then you have come to the right place, because I am going to give you a sneak-peak into a fantastic world where you get to look at people who are living a life with others with whom they are often very uncomfortable.

Well, that is the whole idea behind the Big Brother television series – to discover how humans react towards themselves and others when forced to live with a group of people who are nothing like them. The end result is ever so stunning. The Big Brother Television Series confines the contestants to a house and its backyard that are riddled with video cameras and microphones that record everything they do for anyone to watch. From that point on, they are to live together in the house for nearly three often miserable months.

The contestants or participants of this particular series are divided into teams and would have to live with others and do their daily assigned work so as not to get evicted. The best part of the show is that we viewers get to see every single thing that happens in that particular house – anytime, anywhere. Except in America and Australia certain content of the live feeds or the recorded episodes were deemed unfit for minors, hence had to be removed before they were telecast. Many European countries still screen all the content without removing a single second out of it.

Coming into the house means that each participant signs away their privacy for a short lived celebrity status. That means anything they do inside the house is open for public viewing and this is the idea that made the show really popular. On several occasions a seriously romantic relationship between contestants blossomed and captured and aired for all the world to see. It often seems like the contestants totally forget that the cameras are there and the audience sees the same behavior that they would enact in private. Now the main aim behind Big Brother Television Series was not just to make a whole bunch of strangers live together for three months, but at times there was a twist that they would get food bonuses or get it rationed depending upon how their teams performed in competitions. Some contestants found themselves eating nothing but slop for several weeks. I don’t even want to know what that stuff is.

Such living conditions did trigger quite a lot of emotions. It was not just hunky dory, lovey dovey stuff that you got to see captured on cameras but also some really tight flames flying off each other. Sometimes instead of showing their frustrations out in the public and instead of ending up throttling each other’s neck, the contestants went into a confession or diary room and vented themselves off. They also went into a private room when it came time to nominate a person to be evicted from the house. By the end of the week or in some cases, once in two weeks, the person with the most nominations was evicted. The last one standing was the winner who got prizes like a car, cash, vacation or a house in some countries and simply a cool $500,000 in the U.S.

Author Bio: Discover more facts and trivia by visiting Rick’s Big Brother TV Show Page or talk about the show with others at Rick’s Big Brother Forum.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Big,Brother,TV,television,show,program,series,house,eviction,reality,forum,episodes,cast,Julie,Chen

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