Can You Really Learn How to Gain Self Confidence?

Self-confidence: some people have it, some people don’t. There are some people that just seem to be able to light up a room when they enter it. They are able to engage different people into fascinating conversation. They speak, walk and just ooze with self-confidence. Just because you’re not this way, just because you’ve made it a habit or have always had a habit of shying away into the background, doesn’t mean you can’t change that. The reality is, you’re not going to get very far in life unless you learn how to gain self confidence. It’s a sad but true fact. You may be the nicest person on earth, but you’re never going to accomplish anything unless you learn how to stick up for yourself and your beliefs.

Nobody’s Perfect

Understand this right now: nobody is perfect. If your lack of self-confidence stems from the fact that you have insecurities, then you have to realize that everyone has insecurities. That’s right, even that tall, skinny girl drinking a non-fat, skim mocha latte has insecurities. That’s because nobody, not in the entire planet and all throughout history, is perfect. Once you accept and learn this fact, you will realize that insecurities are the stupidest reasons for holding yourself back. We’re all human, some more blessed than others, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have your own brand of awesome to share with the world. If you want to learn how to gain self confidence, you have to realize your strengths and weaknesses. Write them down. Improve on them both. There’s always room to grow, and your growth will always have to start from you.

It’s All in the State of Mind

Now that you’ve realized and accepted that nobody is perfect, it’s time to adjust your way of thinking. Ever heard the term “I’m my own worst critic”? If this sounds scarily applicable to you, then it’s time to re-evaluate your state of mind. Why do you criticize yourself so much? Where did this habit come from? If it comes from the fact that one or both of your parents criticized you endlessly when you were growing up, then you have to know that this doesn’t have to go on. Parents are human too, and God knows they’re not perfect, so that doesn’t mean that we have to commit the same mistakes that they did. Stop criticizing yourself over every little thing. On your road of learning how to gain self confidence, you need to start recognizing and congratulating yourself for the right things that you do accomplish. Everyone needs a pat on the back every now and then, and you’re no different.

Present yourself to the world as you want to be seen

If you present yourself as a timid, no-personality, no-opinion type of person, then the world will see you in the same way. Now that you’ve fixed, or are fixing, what’s wrong on the inside, it’s time to start fixing what’s wrong on the outside. I’m not saying you need to change your looks; but how you present yourself certainly has some cache in this world, especially when climbing the corporate ladder. Don’t expect people to respect you if you don’t look respectable. Speak up and let your opinions be heard. Let the world into your personality, and let them see what a wonderful person you really are. When the world sees that you love yourself and that you believe in your opinions, they will start to think about the reason why this is so. The world won’t start to love you unless you let them know that you love yourself.

Author Bio: Get more help to get better self confidence, just click here

Category: Self Help
Keywords: how to gain self confidence,self confidence

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