Cat Grooming Supplies – What to Buy

What to Buy for Cat Grooming Supplies

What should you buy for cat grooming supplies? That will depend on your cat’s fur and her temperament. Most cats do fine grooming themselves, but sometimes need a little help.

A curious cat may get into a sticky situation–literally! –and need a bath. A mild soap or shampoo specially formulated for cats works best. If the cat is greasy, a good grooming degreaser will clean its fur.

A cat that does not like baths may put up a fight. The solution is a restraining bag. Top Performance has a grooming bag that is made of strong black nylon with front and back zippers, giving easy access to the legs for washing and trimming claws. Rubber mesh inserts allow water to circulate through the bag while bathing.

For in between baths, grooming cat wipes control dander, fur, and saliva, which can cause allergies. They also make a cat’s coat softer, shinier, and better smelling. Earthbath has cat wipes that are made from natural products. They come in Wild Cherry and Tea Tree fragrances, or Hypoallergenic and Fragrance Free.

Combs and brushes are good cat grooming supplies for cat fur. Metal flea combs with fine, close teeth are good for catching parasites. Short-haired cats with a silky, single coat only need occasional brushing with a soft bristle or rubber curry brush. Short-haired cats with dense undercoats need monthly brushing with a hard bristle brush, a pin or wire brush with wider spaced metal bristles, or a combination on one brush. These are also good for long hair and matting.

Long-haired cats need grooming more often so they don’t get matted. A good comb for detangling mats is called a Greyhound, which is 7.5 inches by 1 inch. This works well for preventing mats or picking them out after they start. An undercoat rake looks like a tiny rake and is good for thinning and removing loose undercoat fur. A slicker brush is flat with small, half inch long wire bristles bent at right angles to help trap hair. They are good for all fur types.

A skittish cat might like special cat grooming supplies. The Bamboo Cat 3 in 1 Grooming glove is two sided. The rubber side can be used wet to bathe a cat or dry to groom. The fabric side removes loose hair from the cat, clothes, and furniture. Since it is worn on the hand during petting, it may not seem as threatening. A palm size rubber brush is small enough to hide in your hand so the cat doesn’t see it while you are brushing her. An amusing alternative is a corner-mounted comber that can be attached to the wall in a spot that the cat already rubs on so she can groom herself.

Despite your best efforts, a long-haired cat can get a condition, called ‘felt matting’, where all the fur mats over. The best solution is to shave the cat and start over. However, this procedure is best left to a professional groomer or vet.

Author Bio: http://www.Flauci.Com For Pampered Pets

Category: Pets

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