Chinese Drywall Inspection Types

Getting a Chinese drywall inspection is a great idea if you’re buying a home that falls into the 2004-2007 building time frame and if you are buying in Florida, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana. This Chinese drywall was installed in many homes, but primarily in Florida. Problems associated with this defective drywall include corrosion of wiring, plumbing, and appliance wiring and plumbing, health problems, and can even lead to financial problems for the owners of these properties. As you can imagine, this stuff can create more problems than the average man or woman would like to have!

Many people who own a home they suspect to have a Chinese drywall problem, they begin by seeking out the symptoms of the problem. Doing an at home Chinese drywall inspection can save you some time and money if you do not have a problem. Inspect any copper wiring or plumbing for blackening, plumbing fixtures for deterioration, A/C or refrigerator coils for trouble, and if you have the expertise, you can look behind your electrical outlets at the wiring for additional blackening. If you do not have the expertise, then please hire someone. Don’t fool with plumbing, electrical, or other coils if you don’t know what to do in order to check them safely.

If you are going to hire an inspector to perform your Chinese drywall inspection, realize that there are three levels of inspection you can choose from. The first is more of a visual inspection that most inspectors can do. This is the least comprehensive inspection option. Regardless, it is still very important to hire a very highly experienced inspector. Chinese drywall symptoms can range from severe corrosion to more subtle clues. An inexperienced inspector may diagnose the home as containing Chinese drywall incorrectly. Some homes show symptoms of Chinese drywall, but have tested negative. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that sewer gas was leaking back into the home and had caused the corrosion that was noted.

The second level of inspection is an air quality test that will determine if the drywall is expelling sulfur. The CPSC has identified these tests as not reliable. The concentration of gases in the air is so low that it approaches or falls below the detection threshold for the devices used in air sampling.

The third level is an actual materials test which uses samples of drywall from the home for conclusive and final results of fact. These drywall samples should be taken from throughout the homes to ensure a comprehensive sampling is achieved. All three are good, but a material test is the best.

As you can see, there is a lot to understand and know about Chinese drywall inspection and what you can expect in terms of the symptoms of a problem, why it’s important to get the inspection performed, and what your options on testing are. It’s important to find out the status of the home before you buy. If you own the home, it’s just as important so you can find out what you want to do next. Chinese drywall is a huge problem in the building industry today, so don’t let ignorance cost you health, your home, or your finances.

Author Bio: Certified Chinese Drywall Testing, LLC developed the Nation’s first insurable option for Chinese drywall inspection. Home buyers, sellers, mortgage companies, banks, and attorneys rely on this comprehensive inspection. Chinese drywall is causing severe problems throughout the country and this test provides guaranteed results.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: Chinese drywall, Chinese drywall inspection

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