Creating a Fundraising Cookbook Committee

Once your organization has decided to create a fundraising cookbook, the first thing you will want to do is to get a committee together in order to delegate all of the different tasks and to set deadlines. Here are some tips on how to get your volunteers together and how to proceed from there.


However it is that your group gets together, you will want to ask for volunteers for the committee early and often until all of the major positions are filled. Either stand up at a meeting and tell your group what the project is all about and that you will need some help, send an email around, or hit the phones to ask the help of those who you feel would be particularly well suited to certain tasks (designers and salespeople, for instance). Tell your meeting that you are looking for 4-10 people to help with the project from beginning to end (you will want many more than that to contribute recipes, but this number will do for the sake of a committee), and what jobs you are looking to fill.

The Jobs:

This may vary depending on the scope of your project, but for the vast majority of projects, you will want to have someone in charge of the project as a whole as well as of the following areas: gathering material, design, advertising sales, and sales of the finished product. If you can, try and get people with some real world experience in these matters to head these different departments, or at the very least, to advise on the areas of their expertise. Keep in mind that, ideally, your committee members will also be advising on other aspects of the project as well, and there may be some crossover as well as items on which you want everyone’s opinion.

One of those jobs is researching publishing options. When you are looking into the different ways that you can get your cookbook published, make sure you investigate the possibility of printing and binding the book yourself using the resources of your organization or by purchasing an inexpensive and easy to use binding machine online. Plastic comb and spiral coil are two binding styles that are easy to learn and can save you money over the course of this and any future projects.

Speaking of money, your committee should be instrumental in helping set financial goals for the fundraising cookbook, and for keeping costs to a minimum.

Setting Meetings and Deadlines:

Once your committee is created, you can start to make some plans and deadlines. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the project (2-4 months) so that the person that is in charge of gathering recipes will have enough time to do what he or she needs to do. Plan for meetings on a monthly basis, and have goals and benchmarks in mind for each meeting. If it makes things easier for your committee members, you can have these meetings via Skype or a similar service. You will just need to check in and make sure that work is progressing and that deadlines are being met, so a short meeting over the telephone should be just fine.

Author Bio: If you are interested in more information about how the right Binding Machine can help you with your fundraising cookbook you might want to visit They offer a great price and Free Shipping on orders over $75.00. Plus, they carry a full line of Binding Supplies.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: fundraising cookbook,fundraising cookbook committee,cookbook committee,cookbook published

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