Diane Hochman- Get Straight, no Bull, Marketing Advice From This MLM Pro

Diane Hochman is a stay at home mom and Marketer who has been in the business for over 10 years. She started of with a mail order business working with a health and nutrition company. With an arsenal of how-to-booklets and brochures she created a mail order business with a health and nutrition company.

Diane has since ventured into affiliate marketing, coaching and training. She herself was taught by the legendary Joe Schroeder an ex magician turn network marketing guru whom Diane continues to work with at his Million mind march which is based on changing attitudes and perceptions and really getting your mind into the right frame for you to catapult yourself to the top.

Diane is also aligned with Andre Vatke in his generic Leaders Club which gives leadership advice to members and shares network marketing plans that work. She ranks as one of the Marketing pro’s who earn six figured incomes and much more for the work they do in training and mentoring other new MLM marketing recruitees. She herself is available on Facebook, Twitter, My-Space and You Tube in a way that some would say is prolific. So whatever her secrets are they’ve worked and continue to work as she still is at the top of her game.

Diane will help you master the details of marketing your business, generating leads, converting those leads into long term customers and generally cultivating an attitude of being a winner. Her primary quest is to help anyone who wants to make a success of his MLM business venture. She offers solid marketing skills and basic skills on how to leverage the internet as a marketing tool in the over 150 videos posted on You Tube and the live broadcasts on www.DianeHochmanlive.com.

Diane offers free training and one-on-one consultation in public telephone training sessions and web seminars, the weekly mindset calls are held Monday nights with the Million Mind March. Her blog posts are interesting and have a wide number of followers wanting to learn her secrets and to engage with her on a day to day basis which make her one of the most accessible MLM trainers yet.

She has created a program aptly named Immersion training to help people who need to learn the language of the businesses they are in so that it becomes part of their daily life, not just something the keep needed to relearn every time they sit down to work. There’s a special thought process that works for MLM marketers and a certain way of being. These Immersion program are limited to a specific number of people and sell out very quickly. Diane is a sought after trainer and speaker at Joe Schroeder’s Million mind march live events which are 2 days of intimate non-stop training.

She has been described as a straight, shoot from the hip trainer. People who’ve heard her speak, been part of the public training calls have been reported to have left off feeling elated for “finally seeing the light”, knowing how it must have felt when the Isralites’ great trek through the desert was over, seeing the promised land as a real possibility not just a mirage. The reviews are endless and praise keeps pouring in, deservedly so as Diane Hochman is not only the best at what she does, but also the most hard working MLM Marketing pros out there.

Author Bio: Online Attraction Marketing Mentor Remco de Vries is now sharing his experiences and knowledge to help others creating lasting wealth and abundance online. Click here to Conquer the Internet by using his Easy Step-by-Step Marketing System to Start Making Money Online NOW!

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Diane Hochman, Diana Hochman, MLM Marketing Pro, Marketing MLM

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