Distractions When Driving Could Cost You Money

Have you ever consider just how much of a risk some seemingly innocuous behaviors are when driving, and how any resulting fender benders, or worse, could turn that affordable auto insurance you are so pleased with into something much less satisfactory?

There is not a lot you can do about distractions outside your vehicle such as eye-catching billboards, but you can minimize the distractions inside the car.

Some distractions are obvious like mobile phones. I do not recommend this, in fact I recommend you put your phone on silent when you drive, but if you know are going to answer the phone should it ring, put it in an easily accessible place. I have a hard enough time finding my phone in my handbag when I am seated at a cafe. Rummaging for the phone with one hand while driving with the other – not a good plan. And then by the time you find it, the caller will have rung off and so you become even more distracted as you try to read the missed call information.

Men need not feel smug. Many times, I have watched men struggling to haul a squalling phone out of a pants pocket while swerving around on the road.

Once you have the phone, things are no better. Did you know that even when you have your mobile phone on speaker mode or use a bluetooth headset you are still distracted when driving? The messages you are receiving, the little feelings of irritation or frissons of pleasure all divert your attention to a greater or lesser extent. This impacts your ability to react quickly and appropriately when needed.

On the subject of bluetooth headsets, there is more to be said. These devices clamped to the side of the head do not make anyone look like the FBI hunks in the movies, quite the opposite I assure you. In the privacy of your car, if you still think this is a safe way to talk and drive, fine, but in public view, not unless you are wearing a black suit and Ray Bans.

Talking on a mobile phone while driving has long been debated but what about texting? It doesn’t matter if it is against the law or not, it is just plain stupid to do this. If you have to contact someone while at the wheel of a vehicle, do not choose the text option. Frankly, I am astounded that it is even open for debate.

Perhaps some of the blame for this unconscionable behavior rests with those who set the rates for telephone calls; in many cases people text to save money. But I would argue that lives rather than money would be saved if this distraction on the road were eliminated.

Do you need it to be against the law to make the best decision for yourself and other road users? Do you need to text or talk at all while driving? If you are that important, employ a driver!

Not only is it just common sense to minimize distractions when driving, but it could save you and others suffering.

It could also help you to stay accident free making you a client of choice for insurance companies, and clients of choice get the affordable insurance rates. Drive safe and return those missed calls when you are parked.

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