Doing Business in Cape Town

If you’ve been sent to Cape Town on a business trip then it’s a good idea to read up on South Africa’s etiquette beforehand. Having an understanding of how business is carried out in Cape Town can help you avoid any social mishaps and put you in a better position when negotiating:

What Should I Wear?

Business dress in Cape Town is fairly similar to business dress in the UK. However, with a warmer climate there are of course some differences. To avoid feeling uncomfortable in the sometimes stifling heat, men should wear lightweight, conservative suits. Shirts should be light coloured and worn with a tie, however jackets aren’t always necessary. Women should wear a conservative skirt suit or a dress.

Schedule Plenty of Time Between Appointments

In Cape Town, the attitude to business is somewhat more relaxed than in the UK. You should make sure that you schedule plenty of time in between appointments as it is common to be kept waiting. This approach to time means that businesses are often postponed.

How Should I Greet my Hosts?

Greet your hosts with a firm handshake and then exchange business cards. It is normal to address the older people, or the person that will be chairing the meeting, first. You should not sit down until you are invited to do so. If you are offered something to drink at this point then it is polite to accept.

Be Clear about Deadlines

Cape Town’s relaxed attitude to business can mean that South Africans are equally laid-back when it comes to deadlines. Therefore, if you have something that you need to achieve by a specific date make sure you’re clear about that from the start.

How Do I Negotiate?

In Cape Town you should avoid the hard-sell approach to negotiation. South Africans are not tough negotiators and the goal of the meeting should be to come out with a win-win situation.

Addressing your Hosts

You should address people by using their professional title or Mr/Mrs and their last name. Try to avoid using your host’s first names until you’ve been invited to do so.

Should I Bring Gifts?

Gifts are not commonly exchanged at business meetings in Cape Town. However, if you are later invited over to a South African’s house for dinner and a drink you should always bring the host a gift. Flowers, a bottle of good quality wine or a box of chocolates are all considered appropriate gifts.

Is there Anything I Should Avoid Doing?

You should avoid wearing khaki or bushman’s garb as your hosts will instantly mark you out as a tourist and not take you as seriously.

Try to hand gestures sparingly to avoid inadvertently offending someone. In Cape Town placing your thumb between your forefingers and pointing it at someone is an obscene gesture.

What are the Business Hours in Cape Town?

Businesses in Cape Town are generally open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. However, most businesses in the city choose to close early on Fridays usually at around 12pm. Mondays and Fridays are both considered to be quite slow days in business.

Author Bio: Rachel Hill is a Southern Africa Travel specialist, a company specialising in luxury, tailor-made Cape Town holidays, as well as holidays to other destinations in Southern Africa. Our experienced consultants will help you design your very own luxury holiday, and will be happy to provide you with a free quote.

Category: Business
Keywords: Cape Town

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