Eating Disorders – Understanding How Your Body Works Can Help

Many individuals suffer from eating disorders, such as overeating or from body image related conditioned for example Anorexia or Bulimia. Once you realize that you or someone you love has an eating condition, you should be conscious of how serious the condition is and seek assist immediately as it may be existence threatening. People with eating disorders are ill and require medical remedy.

Eating disorders fall into four categories, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder or an eating condition not otherwise specified. Anorexia and Bulimia are the most common. Anorexia is indicated by a significant cut of eating or not consuming at all and might be accompanied by over exercising, that goes nicely beyond dieting. Bulimia is characterized by episodes of secretive excessive consuming (binge-eating) followed by incorrect methods of weight control, for example self-induced vomiting (purging), abuse of laxatives and diuretics, or excessive physical exercise. Binge-eating is indicated by quick periods of excessive over-eating, but not followed by purging behaviors as in bulimia. Eating disorders not otherwise particular is when the condition doesn’t fall cleanly into the other categories; individuals might experience a mix of anorexia, bulimia or binge-eating and other disorders.

No one is truly sure what causes eating disorders, it’s difficult to decipher, but generally the trigger is centered on weight and body image and attaining a perfect figure. Eating disorders are psychological in nature, and are usually related to a person’s need for a perfect figure or weight they desire with no regard for the rest from the entire body. Scientific investigation has not discovered a cure; the social and behavioral aspects of the illness make it hard to measure and to make tangible strides in combating the issue.

Eating disorders often affect adolescence, but might occur earlier or later in life through adulthood. Girls and women are more prone towards the disease than men. Eating disorders do exist and should be treated by thinking about the complex psychological causes and biological difficulties that come with the illness. These problems may come about together with other psychological disorders for example anxiety, obsessive compulsive condition (OCD), depression and/or substance abuse. The disease can trigger other severe health concerns for example hair loss, brittle bones, kidney failure and heart difficulties that might lead to death. Treatment depends on the individual; a specialized plan will have to be developed on a situation by case basis that might need medical treatment and ongoing monitoring.

Parents need to become aware of eating disorders and take an active role in their children’s eating plan, exercise plan and general nutrition. Teaching children how to consume right and exercise can prevent or reduce the likelihood of them developing an eating condition in their adolescence or adult life. The greatest method to maintain your pounds and improve your figure is to consume well with a proper physical fitness program. You should usually balance your food intake and physical activity, consuming too much without having burning it off by way of physical exercise can lead to extra weight.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys networking with healthcare professionals online. He also likes talking about Urbane Scrubs and Landau Shoes and also likes writing articles about various topics.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: eating disorders,causes eating disorders,common eating disorders

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