Factors That Affect Car Insurance Premiums

Car insurance premiums not only vary from company to company, but also from driver to driver. When you purchase car insurance, there are many factors that affect how much you will pay. It is important to be aware of these factors because it can help you take measures to lower the price you pay for your own insurance policy. The following are a number of factors that affect car insurance premiums:

Risk is one of the most important factors insurance companies look at when determining premiums. For instance, when insurance companies determine their rates, they assess the driver’s risk of getting injured or injuring others such as in a car accident. Statistics show that young teen males are at a greater risk of speeding, disobeying traffic rules, and getting into an accident. Teen males tend to pay higher premiums. As well, drivers of any age with a poor driving record such as a history of traffic violations or have a history of filing insurance claims will be assessed as a high risk. An insurance provider will look at a person’s driving history and take into account such incidents as: history of reckless driving, traffic violations such as parking tickets, speeding tickets, penalties of illegal activities such as driving while intoxicated…etc.

Research has shown that certain types of car at greater risk of getting stolen. Insurance companies keep statistical information about cars at risk of theft. People who drive cars with a high risk of getting stolen will pay higher premiums. As well, if a driver parks their car on the road instead of in a garage, there is a greater risk of theft. Other factors considered when determining the risk of theft include safety record of the particular type of car, whether the vehicle has such theft protection equipment as anti-theft devices, tracking devices such as GPS, and secure window and trunk locks. Sports cars and luxury cars are examples of cars that are at a high risk of theft.

The location of a driver is factor that affects car insurance premiums. For instance, a person living in a big city where statistics show a high crime rate will normally have to pay higher premiums. In more rural areas where there is less traffic and less crime, drivers will normally pay lower premiums. The incidences of theft and vandalism are also considered in each geographical area.

How the vehicle will be used is another factor considered when determining premiums. For instance, the distance to work and whether the car is used just for household errands and leisure activities are all a factor. The higher the mileage each year, the more one will have to pay for their insurance. The price of the car and special features such as a high performance engine, marital status of the driver, whether the car is fuel efficient such as a hybrid, occupation of the driver, and the driver’s credit rating, are all taken into account when determining premiums.

No matter what type of driver you are, there is always a risk of a problem occurring when driving. The best way to acquire affordable car insurance is to be aware of all of the factors insurance providers take into account when determining insurance premiums and take the necessary steps to ensure the insurance provider puts you in a lower risk category.

Author Bio: Grey Power is leading the insurance industry in providing home and car insurance to many Canadians. Join today and receive a auto insurance quote online, which could save you up to $400 a year.

Category: Finances
Keywords: auto insurance, car insurance, auto insurance quote, car insurance quote, auto, cars, injusry, insur

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