Feng Shui Fish Amulets and Aquariums

Feng shui fish are a very popular amulet. The word “fish” and the word “happiness” sound the same in Chinese. The Chinese often give living fish for the New Year to bring happiness in the coming year.

Fish also drive away misfortune, as it’s one of the good signs in the Buddha’s footprint. The image of a pair of fish is often embroidered on curtains, cushions, linen, and clothes. This amulet has a strong protective energy. In Thailand, children often wear these talismans on their necks (these charms are usually made of gold and precious stones).

The feng shui fish also have a strong reproductive function, so they symbolize fertility. These aquatic creatures swim happily in the water, and thus are a symbol of happiness and harmony in a couple.

The most popular species in feng shui are carp (koi), goldfish, and arowana. The amulets are available as figurines, paintings, scrolls, and pendants.

Goldfish can often be seen in ponds and aquariums, as they bring good energy. Goldfish represent double joy, because the Chinese word “goldfish” consists of two hieroglyphs – “gold” and “happiness”. Goldfish symbolizes success in financial affairs, and it is well suited for the zone of wealth.

Carp is a symbol of good luck and military glory. The legend says that the carp became known for its prowess, when it swam against the tide to reach the dragon gate and became a dragon. Thus, it became a symbol of perseverance and tenacity. One of the popular paintings today is the painting “Carps passing through the gates of the dragon.” The hieroglyph “carp” sounds like the word “business” in Chinese, so it will help achieve success in business. A carp shown in a pair will bring love.

Arowana is a rare fish that brings financial well-being; it’s considered a particularly strong symbol of wealth. It should be pink, silver or gold. As a symbol of prosperity, you can hang an image of a golden arowana in the corner of wealth.

Live fish are also a sign of abundance, and that’s why so many people use feng shui aquariums. A feng shui fish aquarium can not only decorate your home, but also help you achieve prosperity and wealth. If you decide to start an aquarium, remember several important rules. When buying an aquarium, give preference to round or rectangular shapes. Put the aquarium in the east or southeast part of the living room or office. It’s best not to put the aquarium in the bedroom or kitchen.

It’s best to have an odd number of feng shui fish in the aquarium. The most favorable number is 9, such as 8 golden ones for prosperity and 1 black one for protection. The red is a solar Yan, and black is the lunar Yin. Together, they symbolize the unity and completeness of the universe.

It’s best to avoid buying the species with sharp fins. If you decide to purchase arowana, note that this tropical specie is very sensitive to changes in water temperature and other conditions. Moreover, arowana will not live in the same tank with other species – it will eat them.

To attract wealth, you can activate your tank with wealth symbols, such as a money toad or ship with coins next to the aquarium. You can also hang Chinese coins on a red ribbon.

Author Bio: James Brickman runs http://www.fengshuicrazy.com which teaches the ancient art of feng shui. Please visit his website to learn more about feng shui fish.

Category: Culture
Keywords: feng shui, fung shui, feng shui fish, feng shui amulets, feng shui aquariums

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