Five Steps to Increase Your Success With Christian Article Marketing

Should you write articles to drive targeted traffic to your website? Most people go online in search of useful information. The articles that are written and submitted to article directories make up a significant portion of the content found in search results today. The wonderful thing about article marketing is that articles can be written by anyone and it doesn’t matter how much experience you have. Is Christian article marketing different from regular any other type of article marketing? It is in a couple of different ways.

1) Christian articles usually have some scripture found somewhere in the article. You don’t want to over quote scripture, because you may find your entire article is just one big quote from the Bible! Try to find one or two scriptures that you want to use as a basis for writing your article. Of course, you don’t have to quote scripture, but it is typically found in a Christian article. Your article can be based on other facts that you have read about or strictly your opinion. This is your creative piece of work so have fun with it and write from you’re your own perspective.

2) Christian articles should be distributed to Christian Article directories or the Christian category of mainstream article directories to be most effective. For example, if your article is about Christian parenting and you want traffic to come to your Christian parenting website, you are more likely to drive traffic submitting to a directory that contains all Christian articles or submit your article to the Christian, not parenting section, of a mainstream article directory.

3) Article Myth 1 – Write Unique Content

The truth of the matter is that nothing is new. Everything you ever wanted to write has already been written. If you don’t believe me simply do a Google search and there will literally be millions of entries for what you are searching for. However, there is only one you, so put some of your shining personality and your own twist into your work and you will still be able to capture an audience. Don’t write anything that is dull think of a way to make even the most boring topic exciting.

4)Article Myth 2 – Hold Back Information

Not telling people the juicy details of how you were able to make a million dollars and instead giving them a teaser article so you can make a million more is a big mistake. People visit websites often when the website has valuable information. You should make sure that you deliver to your audience what you promised. If you say “Find out Three Ways to Get a Free Trip to the Holy Land Experience” by the end of the article folks should know the three ways to get the free trip! Remember that people found your article looking for specific information, and it is your responsibility as a writer to give them the information you claimed to be able to give.

5) Utilize social media to distribute your articles and gain more visitors to your website. Most social networks will allow you to blog, so try posting your articles as blog entries. By joining Christian social networks and submitting your article as blog posts, you will increase the effectiveness of your article and reach your target audience directly.

If you use these steps you will drive targeted traffic to your website, build brand awareness for your business, establish yourself as an industry expert and find success launching your article marketing campaign.

Author Bio: Diandre Thomas writes for a social network for Christian home based business owners to meet, share and support one another in their home business journey.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Christian, article marketing, internet marketing

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