Gas Air Conditioning is Energy Saving and Still Has Bright Prospects

In the energy supply, increasing environmental pollution, today, the concept of energy saving deeply rooted among the field of energy saving appliances are avid wave. When the time to energy saving air-conditioning re-gas known to enter people’s horizons and become the focus of the industry.

Very clear environmental advantages of energy saving.

Gas air conditioning is the use of gas (natural gas, coal gas, liquefied gas, etc.) to do air-conditioning energy. In the early 20th century, the late 60s, had boarded the air conditioning gas air conditioning technology arena, now has been widely used around the world. But in China, due to various factors, the development of such energy-saving products have been faltering. Beijing University Professor Li Hongqi told reporters that the biggest advantage is gas air conditioning energy saving, compared with the general electric air conditioning, an energy efficiency can be as high as 1.5 or more. Even with optimum energy savings compared to heat pump air conditioning, gas air conditioning energy efficiency should be higher than 50% energy saving effect is very prominent. At the same time, gas air conditioning can also be recycled cylinder gas engine and exhaust heat to get hot water in order to achieve summer cooling and winter heating, hot water, etc. to provide multiple functions.

Li Hongqi, said, compared with electric air conditioning, gas air conditioning has obvious environmental advantages. Natural gas is a clean energy, combustion produces fewer harmful gases, which will be coal into electricity than the environmental costs of smaller more, can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions to prevent global warming; also reduce sulfur dioxide, ash displacement, environmental pollution has a very large role in the improvement; and gas air conditioning is normally not CFC (chlorofluorocarbons) and the HCFC (HCFC) as refrigerant, so there is no ozone depleting problem. In addition, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration substances bromide aqueous solution, low price, pollution, and capacity utilization and energy efficiency are high, integrated investment and operating costs are low.

Peak load shifting ease power shortage.

Every summer, many parts of the country will appear the phenomenon of the power supply, power cuts have become the norm in some places. The main reason leading to the power shortage in summer, most are attributed to air conditioning, because the peak summer air-conditioning use, and air conditioning known as “electric tiger,” said, a huge power consumption. In contrast, the summer use of natural gas is relatively small, in the north, the summer 3 months only in winter Natural Gas Consumption Consumption for 3 months 1 / 3, a large number of gas supply capacity idle, resulting in waste.

Li Hongqi that effectively change the electricity and gas in the summer and winter inversion phenomenon, the development of gas air conditioning is a more feasible solution. He said the summer vigorously promote the use of air conditioning, full use of both natural gas and can ease the power shortage.

It is understood that the development of gas conditioning to achieve peak load shifting, ease the power shortage in some cities have achieved good results. In Tianjin, relatively fast development speed gas air-conditioning in summer 3 months of the time since the use of air conditioning, saving 800,000 kwh per day, effectively easing the power shortage situation.

Bottlenecks still exist bright prospects.

Gas air conditioning energy saving characteristics, determine its bright future. In recent years, many countries are seeking to develop air conditioning, new markets, in Japan, Korea and other countries, central air conditioning gas air conditioning in the market share of over 85%. In China, gas air conditioning started late, and very slow development, the current market share of only about 5%.

Gas development in our faltering air conditioning There are many reasons, including both the reasons for their expensive, but also the reasons for the lack of awareness, not only is not enough gas supply security reasons, there are not enough reasons for policy support.

Compared with the electric air conditioner, gas air conditioning too high initial installation costs, such as household direct-fired air conditioning prices, air conditioning expensive than electricity -40% 30%, while the price of gas heat pump air conditioning or even higher, the same area of the building, expensive than the electric air conditioning 2-3 times. Prohibitively high prices for consumers.

Gas air conditioning gas supply is also affecting the development of important factors. Been completed as natural gas industry the opportunity to start gas air conditioner market, but also in the works to benefit some regions such as Shanghai, Wuhu, etc, Air Conditioning and indeed markedly accelerated the pace of development. The Case of Shanghai, in the natural gas through the time, and Shanghai to promote a very rapid gas air conditioning, and to develop specific measures such as government subsidies, the development is not bad, but with other cities along the West-East Natural Gas Project significant increase in the amount, Shanghai natural gas demand has emerged for less than the situation, must plan to use natural gas, gas air conditioning of the advance was slow.

Policy support to enterprises concerned about the eager.

Although the immediate expansion of gas air conditioner market is facing many difficulties, but the market outlook has attracted many companies to join. Currently as Haier, Chunlan, 10000, and, have launched ambitious gas such as air conditioning.

Manufacturing enterprise in action, and the development of gas conditioning systems are closely related parties, such as gas companies are taking action, and against the reality of carrying out a variety of promotional activities. In Tianjin, Wuhan, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places, gas companies on the one hand to intensify the laying of gas pipelines, while also taking various measures to adjust gas prices to increase its low cost advantage.

Corporate positive action, for the energized gas air conditioner market. But the current reality of government departments to increase policy support for rapid development of gas air conditioning is very important. Li Hongqi said that despite the promotion of gas air conditioning can reflect more social benefits and national benefits, but for the pursuit of short-term interests of both consumers and businesses, relatively low gas air conditioning running costs may not be sufficient to offset the high initial installation price inferior, and therefore a large gas development must rely on air-conditioning policy guidance.

In interviews, many companies said gas air conditioner market still in its infancy and needs further training, if there is strong support for national policies, the market will soon usher in the spring.

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