How to Choose a Point of View For Your Story

Basically, writers do have the capacity to state their own opinions or ideas in any manner. There are different tones of writing and there are also a lot of forms of writing either for business, entertainment and educational purposes. In short, writing influences the public.

However, every writer must know the suitable writing style and tone of their piece. Since points of views are very common in a non-fiction writing. How about using it in to story writing? In fact, using your creativity in writing same as using your mind is what you should do in constructing your piece.

While sharing your own ideas in story writing is possible, knowing how to do it right is what you need to apply into your writing later on.

Writing for your audience is like talking in front of them though you need to voice out your writing in any means. Just like conveying a message which involves your own self as a writer or best known as personal writing. Second is when you are using words that best fitted for the second person in your writing just like how you talk in front of a person. Lastly, writing with the help of a third person who will holds the flow of the story.

If you’ve written for some amount of time, you probably already know what a point of view is. To refresh your memory, it’s the perspective from which you tell a story. While there are three of them, most writing is usually done using either the first or the third person voice. The real challenge, though, is knowing when to best employ each.

First Person Point of View

The first person entails a story being told from one character’s perspective. This character is officially the narrator of the piece, presenting the tale through their limited experience of the events.

Most novice writers tend to fall back on writing in this voice. The reason is simple: it feel natural to do so. For one, it is easier. More importantly, beginning writers tend to use characters they identify with as the main narrator. As such, going the first person route just feels like the natural thing to do.

Third Person Point of View

The more versatile of the two, this point of view allows you to create a richer and more complex environment for your reader. Since you aren’t tied to any specific character’s experience and personality, there’s literally no limit to the amount of things you can impart.

Most of the time, though, you may want to put some limit on your narrator, such as restricting the voice from reading into people’s thoughts or internal debates. In these instances, the piece is said to be written in a limited third person – like an impartial observer who has no stake in the events going on.

This is in contrast to the omniscient third person, which gives you access to pretty much everything that goes. When your character scratches their back, you’ll know when it’s because they’re remembering a learned response, rather than just having an itch.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: First Person, Point Of View, POV, third person

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