How to Find Different Psychic Reading Skills?

Psychic readings need special gifts and special training for one to perform the act effectively. There are different skills associated with psychic readings but to the lay person it may look as if psychic readings are just one homogeneous act of consultation. There are different skills associated with psychic readings. All the readers do not adopt the same method and the same technique in providing services to their clients. There are three to four distinguishable skills which readers can possess. It is not that one reader possesses all the skills in one. Learning one skill alone may be as life affair; therefore a reader should possess at least one skill.

Some of the skills that psychic readers have include the clairvoyance skill. The clairvoyance psychic reading has skill and the ability of using extra sensory perception in finding answers to the client’s requests. This is an extra ordinary power which disposes the reader to find answers to clients’ requests in real time, which ordinary sense cannot perceive or comprehend. They have an extra sensory perception power through an extra sensory strange means. They have, power to perceive what is beyond human knowledge and understanding. They perceive not by feeling, or taste not by eating.

There is also the clairsentience skill. This one uses methods which are quite different from the method adopted by the clairvoyance. They arrive at their psychic reading through extra sensory perception of the past, the present and then the future. Here they make use of the senses to arrive at their messages. They make use of the senses to predict the future through the past and the present. They get spiritually connected with the client to read the past and present course of his life to determine the dimension the future is taking him to.

The other psychic reading skill is clairaudience skill. This is yet another brand of psychic readers who adopt a different method in arriving at their messages. The clairaudience use extra sensory perception of hearing. They hear what is beyond human and convey the message to the client. They have the extra sensory hearing ability such that they are the only ones who can interpret what they hear no other psychic who did not have that skill can interpret them.

Tarot skill is of course another skill used in psychic reading. A tarot uses the divination process to arrive at the reading. He makes use of 78 tarot cards. The cards have different colours and symbols and each colour and symbol represents something significant in the psychic world. It is only a tarot reader who has undergone the training that will be able to decode what each colour and picture means. In the process of divination the cards are displaced while the seeker informs the reader of his mission. After listening the cards are tossed around. The reader then decodes the way the cards are arranged. Through the cards arrangement and the pictures the reader reveals his findings to the seeker or the client.

It is very clear now that there are different psychic skills and abilities and one needs to take time to find the skills the reader he wants to consult possess to know whether he will be able to proffer a solution to his problems.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Psychics Also Mediums And Psychic Readings

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: psychics, psychic mediums, mediums, psychic reading, online psychics, psychic, medium reading,

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