How To Seduce And Attract Beautiful Girlfriends

Most if not all straight guys would like to have beautiful girlfriends. However, no matter how awesome you are, attracting beautiful girls can be a difficult feat if you use the usual approach. I am sure you already knew that, don’t you? So are you one of those guys who have difficulty seducing and attracting beautiful women?

You see, if you learn and perfect the art of seduction, attracting beautiful girls can be a piece of cake if you know how to flick on and off her right switches to turn her on. So read the seduction and flirting tips below and use them to become a chick magnet.

Examine Your Mindset – The first thing you must understand is that most men and women are mentally programed to believe certain things and act in certain ways when it comes to the issues of dating. These programed beliefs and attitudes can be the main stumbling block to your sexual attractiveness.

You may despise me for saying this although it is true that most men walk into the dating game with a rather weak mindset. These guys see women, especially beautiful ones as being superior to them. They subconsciously feel that beautiful girls like top models are out of their league.

Why they are beating themselves down even before meeting the girls is beyond my comprehension. Is it inferiority complex or low self esteem, if it is not, who programed these self defeating negative beliefs into their heads? Whoever told them that ordinary guys cannot attract and seduce beautiful women to be their girlfriends?

Those guys, because of this irrational belief and attitude become nervous, tongue-tied, and even scared stiff of approaching beautiful women, starting a conversation with her, or asking her out. Then poof, their chances of having a beautiful girlfriend are dashed since they do not even dare try to approach one.

So be different. Program into your head that you are a confident, secure and awesome guy and once you project that image, beautiful girls will notice you. You see, if you really want a beautiful girl to be attracted to you, you have to turn the tables on her instead of the other way round! You have to make her believe that you are the prize and not her. That you are the rare commodity that she needs to work at to get you before you are gone. In other words, do not make yourself too available. Play the game that women play on men and that is by playing hard to get.

So do not let her control you, no matter how beautiful she is and how desperate you want to date her and have her as your girlfriend. Not only you need to be confident, you must be super confident.

When you find a beautiful woman that you like to attract and seduce, always plan ahead. It is like going to a college examination where you have all the answers prepared well in advance. Since you are prepared, your confident level will skyrocket proportionately. You will not fumble or stutter for lost of words through nervousness because you already knew what to say and do before hand and she will find you very impressive compared to other guys who had approached her in the past.

Most guys will try to wine and dine a beautiful woman thinking that they can impress her with their money or expensive cars or impressive careers. They will even try to be as obedient and compliant as they possibly can.

Wake up guys. All beautiful women are sick of wussy men using these tactics to date them because they have been wined, dined and have tolerated countless show offs time and again. These tactics turn them off instead of getting them seduced. It just doesn’t work anymore. She will take you just like any other men and get your freebies just of the sake of having the freebies and after that, bye bye.

So do the exact opposite of what most guys do and you won’t believe how attractive you will become to her because you are not like “any other guy” who tried to impress her before. You are the real Mcoy, the real deal, the real MAN!

It is a fact that most of the time, beautiful girls control the dating game because the wussies let them do it. These women make the rules and call the shots. So, in order to win in the game of attraction and seduction, you simply must take control of the game instead and beautiful women will be attracted to you naturally because you are oozing with the confidence of a macho alpha male whom beautiful girls just can’t resist.

Want to have beautiful girlfriends? Then don’t do what other guys who have no beautiful girlfriends do!

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Confidently Talk To Girls and Testosterone Pheromones Sexual Aphrodisiacs

Category: Dating
Keywords: beautiful girls, attract, seduce, approach, girlfriends, women

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