How to Set up Your PA System Before Your Show

When preparing for a show, it would be most useful if there will be a stage plan and channel list days before the event is held. This is to be able to check everything that needs to be placed in the proper position. When the crew has brought in the equipment in the performance area, you need to position every equipment, cables and console before supplying them the power. Setting up a PA system can be done quickly if there is sufficient preparation. The house lights should all be opened so that the stage works can be more efficient. The performers also need to test their own equipment after the set up process and the crew needs to set up everything including the cables that connect to the console located outside the stage.

Setting up the position of the loudspeakers and the mixing console is very important in a production. The audience must hear the sound directly from the loudspeakers and not through sound reflections. In order to get this range, the loudspeakers must have higher frequencies so they can cover wider range. Placing the loudspeakers forward the performers can make use of their full range and volume. Mid or high frequency speakers can be placed on a higher position and ideally they would perform better if they can be placed on stands and not on the floor. This is to avoid diffusion of the higher frequencies.

For the speakers with mid-high frequencies, you can supply them with brackets so that they can be angled downwards and their sounds become more improved. However, there are also precautions in setting up the PA system especially the speakers. Do not let the audience stand very near to the speakers because standing too close can cause people hearing damage. If they get too excited they can also knock over the speakers and damage them.

With regards to positioning the console, the sound engineer will take care of that. But as a tip for the sound engineer, he must place the mixing console way far exactly how the audience see and hear the sound coming out from the speakers. He must also see the performers so that if anyone of them needs sound enhancement, the sound engineer knows what to do. The sound engineer should always place the console on an ordinary audience position ideally between half and three quarters towards the center.

There is one thing which the sound engineer must be aware of and this is crowd control. The engineer must always have a freedom of movement around him with no interruption from the crowd. He must protect his console from anything that can damage it. Another thing is the console’s connection to the stage. Since the console is linked to the stage by a multi-core cable, this heavy cable need careful handling it cannot tolerate force especially trudging that comes from people. The cables must be set inside the channels that are beneath the stage floor so that there is an efficient and safe management of sounds between the stage and the console.

Generally, setting up the initial cables can only take around 2 hours then the set up of the PA system can only take another hour unless there are some adjustments to be done. So as soon as the performers enter the stage and set up their equipment then the microphones and stands must all be ready for use.

Author Bio: tannoy system pa system

Category: Entertainment

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