How To Tell A Woman That You Like Her

Should you tell a woman that you like her even if it was the first time that you have seen her? Or perhaps, you’d already known her and wanted to take the relationship up another notch? So when is the best time to tell her?

Basically there are three possible scenarios to this question. The first scenario is that you have just seen a girl you fancy and this is the first time you have seen her and have already decided that this is the girl you want to marry. The girl probably doesn’t even know your name or that you actually existed. Should you tell her or just let the opportunity pass by as you may never see her again?

In the second case, you have known this girl for sometime as she is a friend or a colleague. You have always wanted to tell her that you like her but was too shy to do so and also afraid that you may ruin the relationship if she rejected you. So, should you tell her?

In the third scenario, you are already dating the woman that you like and you wanted to tell her that you love her dearly and wants to marry her, but were afraid that you may screw things up and sent her running away from you which is the last thing you wanted.

Let’s tackle the first scenario where this is the first time you have seen her. First and foremost, you must resist walking straight up to her to confess your undying love for her. You are a total stranger to her and she will get the fright of her life. Remember, mummy used to tell her never talk to strangers?

Now, if she is stunningly beautiful, she would have experienced other guys doing just that and she will scoff at you like she did with the other guys as being attracted only by her beauty. You will come across to her as a needy wussy and women are turned off by wussy men.

So handle the situation casually. Just say “hi” and proceed from there in a casual manner. If you are well versed in pick up skills, you should know what to do from there. If not, start learning the art of seduction flirt.

In the second case, if you’ve known the woman for quite some time, then you need to tackle this more tactically as telling her that you like her will make things very awkward if she has no reciprocal feeling.

In such a case, you should handle this pretty similarly to the first scenario. That is to get her friendship first, then start flirting with her playfully now and then and at the same time inject some sexual tension when you are interacting.

Then ask her out for lunch or something. If she does go out with you, then you can have an indication that she does not mind or actually even like your company. If she turns you down, don’t act like its a big deal. You deal with the situation like you only wanted to go out as friends so that things do not become awkward, especially if you are a colleague with her.

The situation becomes more complicated in the third scenario as this is the most difficult to solve as you never really know when is right time to tell her. Do be careful because many guys did this worngly and thus ended the relationships.

If you tell her that you like her for the reason being that you sensed that she does not seem to like you at the moment and so you want her to like you more, then do not tell her. It just does not work this way. This is because women will not suddenly fall in love with you just because you like her. You thus need to build attraction. The few words won’t cut it.

So take your time and flirt with her. You will know when she develops an interest in you and start testing you whether her feelings for you are mutual. Even better, wait for the woman to pop the question first instead of you blurting out that you like her.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Make Women Like You and How To Attract Girls Pheromone Spray

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to tell if, woman, girl, like her

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