How to Write an Engaging Editorial

Tasked with writing an editorial? If you’re well-versed with current events (especially the issue you need to write about), it shouldn’t be too hard. As a matter of fact, editorials are one of the most satisfying ways of reading such public relation writings.

As what you have noticed when reading editorials on the editorial section of a newspaper, most of the writers are using feedback or critics. Some of them are pointing out the things that are necessary for the readers to know.

It somehow produces a well-balance yet opinionated arguments just to make their readers decide on the things that are related to the current events that takes place in our nation.

Editorials are more on analyzing the truth which are clearly elaborated each writers just to avoid confusions about the topic.

As you read those editorials, you feel the urge to write one and see how you can organize your ideas clearly in your content. However, you should also take note that editorials need to be persuasive, something that influence and convince your readers in a more natural way where you state both sides of the issue well.

But to tell you honestly, there are also editorials that are not written properly and effectively, meaning the issue is quite good to discuss but the way how the editorial is written is not that good.

There are editorials that are written with longer contents and as you first look at it, you can somehow tell that the writer has a lot of opinion related to the topic. But as you read the first part, you can tell that it is somewhat unconvincing and confusing up until the bottom part of the content.

Therefore, there are still a lot of editorials that are not properly written but since you stick to the facts and write from your own point of views in a balance way, you can still write an editorial in a more convincing way.

Of course, if you want it to be particularly engaging, you can follow a few guidelines to make sure you do it right.

1. Always choose a current topic that would interest readers, preferably one that has a news angle.

2. Keep it brief. Most editorials work best when kept to within 500 words. Use a writing software to help you remove excess length.

3. Include objective reporting, especially in the first half of the editorial, explaining the issue, its facts and why it’s important.

4. State your opinion briefly in the introductory paragraph.

5. Include the opposing viewpoint, allowing readers a taste of the dissenting opinion.

6. Refute this opposing opinion, using facts, figures and logical reasoning to make your case.

7. If you can find agreeable points in the opposing view, acknowledge it. This makes your argument look more rational and level-headed.

8. Repeat key phrases that reinforce your argument.

9. Offer realistic solutions to the issue, particularly ones that encourage critical thinking and proactive action. Avoid repeating shallow tirades and put some earnest thought into it.

10. Close strongly, restating your argument and wrapping up the details with a conclusive end.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: editorial writing, engaging writing, journalism

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