Incorporating Military Self-Defense Tactics Into Every Day Life

When the words military self defense come up, it can sort of throw us for a loop. First of all, if you aren’t in the military, you probably think that you can’t possibly be qualified to learn these techniques. Second of all, you probably don’t think you have the training. But don’t get bogged down by semantics. Anyone can learn military self defense tactics that can be useful in a wide variety of situations.

If you’ve ever been out in public with someone who has experience in the Special Forces, you might have noticed that they always sit facing the door. Never will you find them leaving themselves in the vulnerable position of not being able to keep a watchful eye on whoever is entering the building. This is the first paramount point when it comes to basic self defense: being aware of your surroundings.

This is important for a variety of reasons. First of all, if you don’t have no idea what is about to happen, then how in the world are you going to prevent it? Of course, many acts of violence are seemingly random and without plan, but there are always warning signs that will give you the edge over your competitors.

So the first thing you need to become familiar with when training in military self defense is the ability to know what is happening around you, at all times. There are a number of ways that you can train your mind to do this. First of all, start taking note of your surroundings on a daily basis. As you are walking down the street, make sure to always be on the look-out for suspicious activity. Also make sure that you are free from distractions whenever you are out in public. This includes listening to music on your headphones, talking on your cell phone and even texting. A perpetrator knows when you are most vulnerable to attack and you can’t possibly be more vulnerable when you have both your eyes pointed down at your cell phone.

Self defense tactics all begin with awareness. If you aren’t prepared and aware, then there is no possible way that you will be able to defend yourself in the given situation. But if you are constantly on the watch, when disaster strikes, you will be ready to take control of the situation. And by simply being aware of your surroundings, you automatically leave yourself in a better position to fend off a potential attacker.

Most violent attackers will tend to prey on people that they can tell are not aware. They prey on the victims that they feel that they can easily overpower. If you are distracted and unaware of your surroundings, you leave yourself incredibly vulnerable. But if you are obviously alert and aware, your potential attacker is likely to leave you alone. Unfortunately, this likely means that they will move on to another victim, but at least you are safe for another day.

Author Bio: For more details about military self defense & self defense tactics, please visit

Category: Sports
Keywords: military self defense, self defense tactics

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