Innovative Packaging Design Ideas

If you go to tuck shops or food stalls to eat rice, you may encounter such a situation, the owner to make you feel here is health, he will take the initiative set out in the bowl of a plastic bag, this combination of collision many of you feel safe, but always felt to use is not very convenient. Germans step forward, they developed a special “Do not wash” the dishes, the principle ibid, is the pre suppression in multilayer plastic dishes on paper, each meal is completed, only stripped of a layer of plastic paper, it becomes a clean dishes, could be used 10 times, in fact, time is money today, people off the increasing demand for products, such dishes not only for street stores, but also very suitable for white collar single family use, not only health, but also Festival. Recently, many students and friends in the classroom and e mail on the advice of this problem?Product to packaging? How the brand innovation? Today, Tan teacher’s reunification answer?

Tell a case of it: life paper has carried the banner of the heart with innovative brand and India, as innovation, create the brand’s leading position in the industry; for innovation, enterprises will be more profitable than the competition; for innovation, attracting more and more brands FANS. Valentine’s Day began in 2004, India launched Jimmy heart with new series, one shot, from the combination of comics and paper towels into a fashionable! Can be said that innovation in the life of paper packaging industry is more popular and innovative ways, the heart with Jimmy India series is typical. But the packaging innovation at the same time more difficult to have a good market performance really as popular as Jimmy rare nationwide, Tan teachers believe that the problem was fundamental: you can move the packaging design innovation, the hearts of consumers, Can be resonating with consumers. Therefore, when enterprises in innovative packaging design, must not whim, but should advance on the market and competitive products for a wide range of research, conducted in depth consumer insight.

Many wedding, the cigarette was mounted in the cigarette case from 20 years to take out into a yard covered with red paper in the small cap, and make arrangements for wedding parties often need to buy a lot of conventional cartridge cigarette, and then, a 1 apart large carton packaging, then a small cigarette box packaging box apart, trouble trouble, so much waste packaging is great. Tobacco companies ever thought, you can develop a special wedding venues smoke it? Of cigarettes packed in a large bright red plastic seal bottle, a bottle into 800 cigarettes, both festive atmosphere, but also fit the eight eyes of the Chinese lucky number, buy a big bottle of essentially meet the general 2 10 tables used by about wedding.

Can speak, innovative packaging is not just to look good, also expand the channels of the functions! Sichuan mustard jar with a big, big basket packing pickles in the country store sales only; into a small jar can be sold after the Hong Kong; and to block, sheet, wire in the form of the mustard into a vacuum packed pouch, it can be sold abroad . Packaging innovation, fresh features, durability features, convenience transportation improvements for the goods often open up new market opportunities. Overseas there is a rope connected to the display of lines and frames of paper planes, sunglasses in the supermarket to solve the issue of sales easily stolen, making sunglasses producers can rest assured that the use of supermarket sales channel. Specifically, the following points:

First, into the cultural elements of a full brand meaning.

Culture is a long history, it is the eternal vitality of the brand, the brand of cultural integration, and to the terminal display, which is showing brand content, a great way to increase brand reputation. Therefore, the cultural elements reflected in packaging, the products also have a deep cultural heritage, this product is also more resilient to the time of chewing.Second, optimization graphic design, clever use of color dress.Product packaging, graphic design and color matching is to obtain the consumer’s attention pioneer soldiers. Graphic design beautiful color with harmony, and a pleasure to watch the product packaging must first leap into the eyes of consumers.Third, innovative packaging to meet the different uses.Packing many functions, such as protection products, easy storage and transportation; attract attention to promotions; easy to buy, carry; enhance the brand value and so on. Well designed packaging to create more value for consumers, for the producers to create more sales and profits.Fourth, to provide the necessary information to enhance brand grade.The key lies in the kernel depth product packaging, the products associated with the brand culture, names, images, text, colors, materials, shape and a series of elements activated. Which provides product information and performance is very important, packaging information and product information must be consistent. Brand names, logos and other design information to the extent possible, reflect the performance of brand personality and difference.

Today, the role of packaging is not just a simple portable function, good product packaging to protect product attributes to quickly recognize the brand, communicating the brand content to improve brand image. Again, these packaging text, images, colors, etc. can play a publicity while beautifying merchandise to promote sales.Taiwan ELLE Women’s shoe is not often seen, two piece lids of the kind, nor is it the kind of one of the clamshell style, but similar to the drawer, not only facilitate the display and pick up shoes in the store and more practical, environmental protection, we generally buy back after shoebox easily discarded, and this shoe to buy back, consumers generally do not throw away, because it is very practical, these boxes stacked up , is a great storage box, when to wear shoes without strenuous a win to rummage a shoebox, just gently pull, you can easily take it out even if do not do a shoe box, also part storage box to other items. Would not make a shoe box and a pair of shoes for women it? I think it will.In short, terminal sales packaging is “silent promoters,” is selling terminal’s “promoters”!

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Category: Business Management
Keywords: park designs curtains,cosmetic packaging supply,hair dye ideas,

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