Internet Article Marketing Tips: How to Make Money Writing Articles

Of all the internet article marketing tips you will find online, the most intriguing are connected with how to make money writing articles. Many people can make money online, and even more can write articles, but putting the two together demands a special skill that most who don’t have it will deny.

So how do you make money writing articles? Sell them? Yes – you can do that and many article ghostwriters make a living from it. However, those that do sell them might be missing a trick, because what they should be thinking is why people are buying them. What is the attraction of online articles that people will actually pay to have them written professionally rather than save money and write them for themselves?

The answer can be fairly simple and also fairly complex according to the use to which you put them and your knowledge of internet marketing. Internet article marketing is a technique used in online marketing for a specific purpose: to get traffic.

And what does traffic signify?

Cash! Money! Dough! However you want to put it or whatever you want to call it, traffic to your website is money, and without any traffic your website will make no money – it is simple as that! The most popular internet article marketing tips are focused on how to make money writing articles.

Let’s discuss some ways in which article writing can make money, and then you will find that are all connected with traffic to your website. The more visitors any website attracts then the more clicks on the sales buttons or advert links and the more money is made.

High Google Listings

A major part of internet article marketing is submitting the article to article directories. If your article is accepted for publication, it is published on its own page on the directory website and can therefore be crawled and listed on Google just as any other web page can be. Google is selected because it is by far the most important search engine for listings, but it could equally be any other.

The listing will be dependent on the relevance of the article to its chosen keyword, and whether or not that keyword is part of the search term used by somebody using Google to find information on the topic of the article. However, if you want to make money writing articles then a high Google listing for your article can bring you masses of traffic, and traffic means money.

Before any further discussion of traffic generation from internet article marketing, there is one aspect of submitting articles to directories that must be understood. Most directories prohibit links within the body of the article, but they provide a special section known as the ‘Author’s Resource Box’ in which you can say a bit about yourself and your website and also mention your product or service, and include at least one link to any page on your website.

Forget yourself and focus on the products.

This is where you can advertise, and some directories offer up to three links although you are advised to restrict them to one so as not to confuse your readers. Sometimes two are fine, particularly if they are both to the same page: one in text format and the other using HTML anchor text.

Google PageRank Points

Your published article will bring you Google PageRank points (or ‘link juice’ as it is popularly called) from your links on each directory page on which it is published. Not only that, but a integral part of internet article marketing is that your article can be copied by webmasters to their own web pages as long as they retain the Author’s Resource section. You also get PR points from these web pages.

The benefit of Google PageRank is that Google’s search engine listing position calculations contain an element of backlinks and PR from relevant web pages, and this is currently highly weighted in the overall calculation of your listing position.

Direct Visitors

One of the most important factors when you consider how to make money writing articles is that of traffic. There are thousands of internet marketing tips online, but the vast majority is connected with how to get traffic to your website. Traffic equates to visitors to your website which in turn equates to money. Cash! Moolah! Dough!

That’s your main objective unless your website is for information only and not run for profit as the vast majority are. If your site is not intended to make money then why are you reading an article titled ‘how to make money writing articles?’ For fun?

Well have fun, because if you follow the tips you will find then you will have a great deal of it – wherever in the world you decide to visit next with the money you will earn.

Internet article marketing attracts visitors to your website through direct reads of your article on the directory (yes they do – lots of them!) and reads on other web pages to which it has been copied. A single well written article can bring you over 1,000 reads and then it is up to you to convert these to clicks to your site from the links in your resource.

Write an article a week, and suddenly this internet article marketing thing looks to be an attractive prospect, and learning how to make money writing articles suddenly appears a very worthwhile thing to do. So do it, listen to the proverbial till bells ringing and take one of the most productive of the internet article marketing tips you will find online – then go on to make using it.

Author Bio: Pete gives you more details of how to use internet article marketing to make money writing articles in his eBook Article Czar, so for more details of this and a free gift check out – you will not be disappointed with what you get.

Category: Writing
Keywords: Internet article marketing,make money writing articles,money writing articles,writing articles,make

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