Investment in High-tech Chemical Fiber Industry and the Differential Phase Shift Fiber

Vice chairman of China Chemical Fiber Industry Analysis and Forecast Ye Yongmao in 2007 development trend of chemical fiber industry that chemical fiber industry is gradually return to rational investment in fixed assets, the size of the equipment needs to be the number of technology-based variety and efficiency to convert the direction of chemical fiber industry investment species will be high-tech and differential fiber development, technological transformation of enterprises required the production of high-tech equipment, fiber is still a large demand for space.

From the chemical fiber industry development objectives of the future look to 2010, China’s textile fiber processing volume will reach 36 million tons in the next few years, production capacity and output of chemical fiber industry growth rate will remain at 7% ~ 15%, to 2010, productivity and output growth will fall to 7% and 5% level. 2007, chemical fiber industry will maintain steady growth, chemical fiber industry competitive overseas markets and the ability to satisfy domestic demand will continue to grow; end consumer market to the diversification, differentiation, function, brand direction; exports will continue to grow, especially polyester filament’s exports will grow substantially. Thus, Ye Yongmao that the chemical industry in 2007 on the technological transformation of the main equipment needs to meet the needs of high-tech industry, upgrading equipment, fiber production will have room to grow.

Ye Yongmao that the chemical fiber industry in 2007 focused on the development of high technology, optimize the industrial structure, promoting the sustainable development of circular economy and industry to accelerate the application of domestic and foreign markets open up, to further enhance industry competitiveness. Therefore, the direction of chemical fiber industry will be further investment to develop high-tech and differential fiber varieties.

Chinese Chemical Fiber Industry Association, according to analysis, with exports of chemical products expanded, the product mix to high-quality development, companies are around the Kevlar fiber, carbon fiber, polyphenylene sulfide, high strength and high modulus polyethylene fiber and other high-tech, bio-engineering materials and various high-performance, differentiated and functional fibers and high value-added products for industrial R & D and technology varieties of structure optimization and adjustment. Meanwhile, the situation in the face of new competition at home and abroad, chemical fiber industry is to further enhance the competitiveness of conventional varieties and profitability. In particular the proportion of applied widely polyester, polyester industry, manufacturing enterprises, under the guidance of the industrial policy, should increase technical input to develop high-tech products, new projects to avoid the blind, low investment in the development. In addition, the viscose is the second largest after the polyester fiber varieties, viscose manufacturing enterprises in the development of differentiated, functional fiber varieties of the same time, is to track and learn the latest developments at home and abroad, to deepen cooperation in energy conservation, energy, environment protection and other high technology applications.

Can be expected, as the chemical industry, industrial restructuring, technological progress and industrial upgrading, large-scale technical transformation will provide the growth of chemical fiber machinery space. Chemical fiber enterprises to produce high-tech equipment and key parts of a higher demand, require high degree of automation, less labor, improve product differentiation rate of technological transformation and upgrading of equipment. According to market demand, chemical fiber machinery manufacturing enterprises to actively develop high quality, large-based, precision, short of a new generation of domestic polyester Polyester complete technical equipment, while enhancing the functionality of equipment development for the chemical fiber industry, large nylon polymerization technology, the acrylic multi-function, differential fiber product development, and clean production and comprehensive utilization of renewable resources to provide the necessary support equipment.

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