Job Telephone Interview Preparation

More and more companies are now enjoying the benefit of screening applicants through Telephone Job Interviews. It is an effective way proved by several companies due to its several benefits for the company and to the applicant; less effort for the company, while the applicant saves time and money. It is one of the convenient ways of selecting the most appropriate person for the job.

An applicant with a scheduled interview can prepare on typical phone interview questions ahead of time to avoid lapses during the conversation. If you have submitted several applications, ensure that there’s a formal outgoing voice mail message or ensure your housemates know how to take professional messages through phone. It’s one way of being courteous to the phone interviewer, as well as good points on your application.

If you want to land a job during a telephone interview, here are the some tips to remember to become successful:

1. Prepare for the interview ahead of time. Have a practiced answer on mind on some of the typical interview questions that can be found over the internet.

2. Place your resume and short written scripts on easily accessible location in your house.

3. Prepare for pen and paper to easily write important information such as names and phone number during the interview.

4. Keep a record of your calls so you can easily track back important telephone number of your interviewer. Save these numbers either on your phone or computer, so it can be easily access when needed.

5. If you received the call on area with background noises, politely ask permission to the interviewer to hold on so you can transfer on a place without any distraction.

6. During the interview, focus your answers on why you are interested working for the prospective employer, as well as your skills.

7. Have a pre interview research on the employer’s services, product, and current developments just in case the employer ask about you idea on the company.

8. Be professional and polite during the interview.

9. Do not control the conversation; rather let the interviewer lead the discussion.

10. Sustain proper posture during the interview as if the interviewer is
standing in front of you. This will help you to speak clearly and powerful.

11. Do not forget to smile and speak directly on the telephone mouthpiece.

12. Avoid smoking or eating chewing gums throughout the phone interview.

13. During the interview, avoid answering yes or no. As much as possible, provide accurate answers and discuss your abilities which may enhance the chance to get the job.

14. Always ask for the next step of your application at the end of phone interview. This will prove that you are interested and eager to have the job. Tell them that you are available for an actual interview whenever necessary.

15. Call back two days later to thank the interviewer for his time and effort. This is your chance to repeat your interest in the vacant position which may improve the possibility to be hired. If the interviewer is not around, leave a professional message through email, fax or voice mail.

Phone interview became a part job screening process of numerous companies in screening the best applicant suited on a vacant position.

On the employer and company side of the ledger the question may well be asked why do employers and companies utilize the tools and procedures of telephone and long distance by communication interview formats more and more each increasingly ? Firms and H.R. departments are finding that overall this strategy and procedure provides for cost and time reduction spent in analyzing numerous applicants before undergoing final test, thus, to save effort and time. Phone interviews overall thus lessen the burden of applicant for it’s time and money. There’s no need to wait until the time of the face-to-face interview, finding the company’s location, and traveling costs. In addition it can be said that it is easier and less costly on job and career employment applicants as well on their time and pocketbook allocations as well.

Author Bio: William Piker Alberta Job Shark Edmonton Fort McMurray Alberta Job Shop Online Post & View Edmonton Fort McMurray Jobs Online Free

Category: Jobs
Keywords: work,employment,interview,interview preparation,resume,how to prepare job interview,HR,H.R.,boss

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