Know About Chillblains

Also known as pernio or perniosis.

A chill blain is an abnormal skin reaction to cold or damp weather in humid climates.

Chill blains is often confused with frostbite and trench foot.

Chilblains are acral ulcers (ulcers affecting the extremities) that occur when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity. The cold exposure damages capillary beds in the skin, which in turn can cause redness, itching, blisters, and inflammation.

The toes, fingers, tip of nose and ears are most common areas affected

Predisposing factors:

1. Poor peripheral circulation.
2. Poor general health.
3. Vasomotor irritability.


1. Parts become dusky red, cold.
2. Bilaterally symmetrical.
3. Oedema of affected parts.
4. Ulceration of the digits and toes.
5. Intense, distressing itching and burning pain.
6. Worse from sudden change from cold to hot atmosphere.
7. Heals with change of weather.
8. Mild desquamation occurs at site of lesion.
9. Brownish mark left on resolution.

Prevention of Chilblains

1. Avoid rapid changes in temperature.
2. Wear gloves or socks.
3. Use warm footwear.
4. Keep area warm.
5. Avoid scratching.
6. Keep hands and feet warm.

Its is always advised to avoid the self medication, consult the physician and take the medicines.Many people takes the over the counter drugs and also depends up on the remedies that will not work, consult the physician and take the advice. Its the best method.

Homeopathic treatment:


Sensation of itching in the lesion. Loose & flabby skin. Skin becomes purplish after suppression of eruptions. In general worse by cold air, wet weather.


Burning, itching, redness & swelling as if frozen. Itching change place on scratching. Pricking as from needles. Chilblains more painful during cold weather, freezing air. Chilblains, that itch and burn intolerably; frostbite and all consequences of exposure to cold, especially in face.


Extreme dryness of the skin. Withered, witted, wrinkled skin. Tendency to develop whitish pimples with red areola. Slightest injury suppurates.


Tendency to develop chilblains after an injury with formation of ulcers with excessive secretion of pus. The surrounding part is red. The pain in the chilblains tend to become worse at night.


The skin is extremely sensitive tocold air. Tendency to develop deep cracks with chilblains. Better by warm application, warm wraps & heat. Worse in cold air, winter & cold application. Easy suppuration developing in chilblains.


Chilblain with bluish-red or bluish-black discoloration round it. they tend to develop ulceration leading to gangrene. Severe burning sensation worse at night & during sleep. very sensitive to touch. bleed easily & copiously. Severe excoriation of the affected part.


Itching chilblains with chapped hands & feet. Slightest injury on the chilblains tends to suppurate. Severe excoriation of the affected part. Itching sensation & from it moist discharge comes out which is very acrid. In general there is aggravation of symptoms from warmth of bed.


Chilblains with severe burning sensation. The affected parts looks red, indurated & swollen. Formation of deep corroding, phagadenic ulcers with offensive discharge. Itching is worse by warmth & better by cold.


Voluptuous itching sensation. Burning sensation sensitive to air and wind & washing. Chilblains alternate with various other bodily complaints. Skin is dry rough chapped. Offensive odour of skin, worse at night in bed, scratching & washing.

Author Bio: Dr Guptha associated with ICD10 Certification

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: ICD10, certification, training

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