Knowing When Cradle Cap Hits

Cradle cap makes your baby’s head scalp look flaky and dry skinned. If the baby’s scalp is oily, brown, thick and has prominent scaling patches then it is a clear sign that your baby has got cradle cap. Cradle cap usually makes your baby look as if they have got dandruff. This sight maybe just too much to watch but don’t get shocked because it is a condition that occurs in the early stages of baby’s life. Don’t worry about the cradle cap as it will go away but take at least a year. Some babies have this similar scaly looking part on her eyebrows, armpits, ears and other creases of the body.

The main cause of cradle cap is not known. But according to some doctors’ cradle cap is caused by the increase in hormones from their mothers at the end of pregnancy which increases the oil producing gland in babies. Whatever the reason maybe one thing is for sure that cradle cap is not caused by poor hygiene or allergy. Most importantly cradle cap doesn’t even bother your baby even if it gets severe. Even if it gets severe it will only cause your baby to itch and scratch.

You should not look for ways to fight your baby’s flaky scalp mainly because it disappears as your baby grows older. But still if you really want to do something to get rid of it then you can try by frequently shampoo your baby’s scalp. After you have shampooed, brush your baby’s scalp with a soft baby brush or use nice terrycloth towels.

You may need an oil remedy to treat cradle cap in some stubborn cases. You can treat it by rubbing a very small amount of olive or almond oil for about fifteen minutes on your baby’s scalp. Let it stay for while and then use a fine tooth comb to brush away all the flakes on your baby’s scalp. Don’t let the oil on her scalp as this will clog up the pores and will cause the flakes to stick, so you should use this method with the shampooing technique i.e. shampoo your baby’s scalp to remove the oil. You should leave the shampoo on her scalp for a while just to make sure that all the oil is removed from her scalp. This is the perfect way for treating and getting rid of cradle cap.

You may need to consult a medical practitioner in severe cases where the cradle cap has spread beyond the baby’s scalp. The medical practitioner will probably prescribe a shampoo named seborrhea or an over the counter drug. Otherwise if your baby’s scalp becomes inflamed then the medical practitioner will advise a cortisone cream. This cream will help to get rid of cradle cap. Do not get worried if your baby has got a cradle cap as it is absolutely normal among the new born babies and the cradle cap will disappear as they grow old.

Author Bio: Colby cares a great deal about family and parenting. Colby sure hopes that you have found this article helpful. He would like for you to check out his Baby Bedding. He would also like for you to take a look at the Baby Crib Bedding Sets as well as the Glenna Jean Crib Bedding Sets .

Category: Parenting
Keywords: cradle cap baby, baby scalp, baby dry scalp

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