Let the Greedy Dragon of Ambition Assist You in Everything

The greedy dragon of ambition is an extremely powerful ancient Chinese symbol, which is believed to be capable of helping a person obtain anything that they want.

This symbol can bring you luck, success, wealth, and prosperity. It will promote career and guard against abusive partners, competitors and evil people. Living inside the house, it will bring money into it. All in all, it will help you satisfy your wildest ambitions.

The Chinese figurines and images typically portray the dragon playing with a pearl. Alternatively, it can stranglehold the pearl with its strong claws. The tradition of displaying the dragon with a pearl evolved from folk Chinese games with lanterns and the wish for happiness and wealth. The pearl can also represent the celestial pearl or the mother-earth.

In China, the dragon is one of the most revered mythical animals. Its description speaks volumes – according to legend, it has a “snake body, frog belly, deer antlers, camel head, rabbit eyes, bull ears, carp scales, eagle claws, and tiger tail and paws.” The image of this mystical creature has remained unchanged for over four thousand years.

The dragon was perceived as a kind, gracious, and merciful creature endowed with mystical powers – it could glide through the skies, oceans, rivers, mist and rain. Their utmost quality was the ability to command the elements – rain, wind, and floods. Back then, the harvest directly depended on weather conditions; hence these mystical creatures were a symbol of luck and destiny.

In ancient China, the Han Dynasty emperors often referred to themselves as “a legitimate son of the celestial Dragon”; hence is the connection of these creatures with strength and power.

In feng shui, the greedy dragon of ambition is one of the strongest symbols of good luck. Its extraordinary power can increase luck manifold. Its image can protect homes from evil spirits. It is also believed to be capable of giving immortality to humans.

These powerful creatures see the truth beyond time and space. They promote chiefs and bring success in business. Each person has their own dragon that cares for them. This mystic creature brings the spirit of change. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security, which brings together all the scaly creatures of the universe.

The dragon is traditionally associated with the east, so its image in the eastern part of the house or office will bring good luck. The figurine can be placed on a table or to the left of an entrance door (facing east). You can place it in the living room to promote the active Yan energy. The talisman should be put on a stand or elevated.
The figurine or image should not be taller than a person, because then it will manipulate them rather than patronize them. The greedy dragon of ambition should not be too big and fierce.

To activate the talisman, you need to “open” its eyes using a simple ceremony. Between 7 and 9 in the morning, put points on its eyes with a brush using black ink. Let the greedy dragon of ambition become the harbinger of good changes in your life.

Author Bio: James Brickman runs http://www.fengshuicrazy.com which teaches the ancient art of feng shui. Please visit his website to learn more about feng shui dragons.

Category: Advice
Keywords: feng shui, fung shui, feng shui dragons, greedy dragon of ambition

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