Major Turning Point in U.S. Energy Strategy

Barack Obama last week (March 31) at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, announced that it will expand the development of U.S. offshore oil and gas fields, in order to ensure that the recent U.S. energy security. So far, lasted more than 20 years of U.S. ban on offshore oil and gas production will stop after the U.S. energy strategy, is experiencing a major turning point will likely shift from a high dependence on imports both imported and homegrown.

Exceeding the United States previously unexploited
The United States is the world’s largest oil consumer, is also the world’s largest oil importer. According to statistics, average daily U.S. oil consumption in 2007 2069.7 million barrels, 1221 barrels of daily oil imports, more than half rely on foreign oil. Reduce oil imports, increase energy security, has been the U.S. government were in favor of energy policy.Ministry of the Interior in accordance with the relevant United States alone is estimated to be in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, but not proven recoverable oil resources has reached 36,000,000,000 to 415 billion barrels, but not proven recoverable natural gas resources are to reach 161 trillion to 207 trillion cubic feet (about 35 cubic feet 1 cubic meter).

Although the U.S. coastal waters are rich in oil and gas resources, but the U.S. Congress adopted in 1981, unexploited offshore oil law and signed by President Bush’s 1990 senior executive ban on logging so, the U.S. offshore oil and gas exploration has been frozen. The issue of oil self sufficiency in the United States, “self inflicted mutilation”, which take into account its multiple.The first is environmental considerations. In 1969, the United States a significant oil spill in California. Oil security has become a focus of media attention. In 1981, Congress passed a bill to freeze from 4.8 to 322 km coastline of the United States continental shelf oil. The bill subsequently was retried extended every year.In 1989, Alaska in U.S. history occurred in the most serious oil spill. The following year, when he was President Bush signed an executive order to expand no take areas, the ban is valid until 2002. In 1998, President Bill Clinton when he was in turn extended to 2012.

Although the surface so that the U.S. ban on logging out of environmental considerations, but many analysts believe that the U.S. government seal its own oil fields, but also its long term strategic considerations. This is because the oil and gas are non renewable resources, oil and gas resources through the national seal, the United States be prepared for these strategic resources to take command.But critics believe that the U.S. ban on logging offshore oil and gas are “tie themselves”, not only reduces employment opportunities along the coast, also increased dependence on foreign energy, the overall national interests of the United States is not necessarily a good thing.The controversial ban on logging issues, from the Bush family differences on this issue can be seen. President Bush is the executive ban makers, President Bush’s brother?? Has served as Florida governor Jeb? Bush also openly opposed to offshore oil production, but President George W. Bush is a strong supporter of offshore oil production.

Obama said that reality must be recognized
July 2008, when soaring oil prices by promoting, Bush lifted the executive ban on offshore oil and gas exploration. Subsequently, both houses of U.S. Congress have repealed its ban on mining law. Obama now pushes the government further announced that the eastern and southeastern coast, Gulf of Mexico and northern Alaska, the development of multiple oil and gas fields.In response, Obama’s speech on March 31 stressed that to ensure U.S. energy security is one of the options the first of its ruling, as a long term goal, the United States should rely more on self produced, clean energy, which is at once Obama Taiwan has been consistent policy. Obama demanded that China stop the argument, a consensus to meet the challenges.

But clean energy is far water can not quench thirst U.S. energy demand, so Obama has also stressed that, as short term goal, the United States must develop more offshore oil and gas resources. He said: “Taking into account our energy needs, to ensure economic growth and create jobs and make businesses more competitive in China, we have to increase renewable energy production, while use of traditional energy resources needed.”Obama also frankly stated that expanding the scope of offshore oil and gas exploration is a difficult decision, he considered this more than a year, “It’s not easy to make the decision.” He said he knew many people strong opposition to this decision, the U.S. energy strategy to be successful change must be both the short and long term to consider, “If you do not recognize this fact and will make mistakes.”

In U.S. politics, the Republicans are often cited on behalf of the interests of energy companies, it has been advocated to lift ban on offshore exploration. Most Democrats oppose the mining, Obama takes a similar position at first, but with the soaring international oil prices in 2008, the U.S. domestic public opinion in the coastal waters tend to lift the ban on logging issues, Obama is also immediately adjust its position on the lifting of the ban keep an open mind. This time take the initiative to agree with Obama exploitation, nor no to the Republican Party “show good” means. “New York Times” article pointed out, Obama on energy issues through a series of concessions?? Including previously agreed to the development of coal and nuclear energy?? Is hoping to win the support of Republicans and centrist Democrats, so that they of the proposed climate bill open “green.”

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