Metabothin : An Exact Metabolife 356 Clone?

People with excessive weight issues have been trying out many different solutions for their problem. In the United States, one of the most popular and proven effective is what is called as Metabothin. It is a copycat version of the unpatented fat-burning supplement Metabolife 356, which has been discontinued due to a legal ban on one of the main ingredients, ephedra.

The American Generic Laboratories has deigned and formulated Metabothin to resemble Metabolife 356, which for some time had enjoyed a strong support and patronage from weight conscious consumers in the US until the legislative ban on ephedra. The prohibition stemmed from a 2005 court order favoring the US Food and Drug Administration’s move to stop distribution of supplements that contain 10 mg and more of ephedra, an herb known for its fat-burning features.

The court decision involved another supplement company, Nutraceutical Corp. The pharmaceutical firm argued that its product containing ephedrine was dangerous. The court first agreed with the company but when the regulator appealed the decision, the appellate court favored it.

Thus, Metabolife 356 was instantly discontinued. Its copycat version, Metabothin somehow still manages to be distributed across the US market but only through online means. That is the reason why the supplement could be considered a rarity especially these days. The US court has ruled that ephedrine is dangerous and that products containing the substance should be stopped.

The original Metabolife 356 with Ephedra and Green Tea was popular during its time because of its ability to increase the body’s own metabolism to make it easier to burn out unwanted and excessive calories. Many Americans that time chose to use the product because it could actually and really help shed out those extra pounds. There was a precise and effective blend of herbs that comprised Metabolife 356.

For its part, Metabothin is aimed at bringing about the same effects of Metabolife 356. It also contained ephedra and caffeine, which strategically work together in a synergistic level to bring about fat burning characteristics. This nutritional supplement functions by suppressing the appetite and unnecessarily cravings for food.

Metabothin has many other active ingredients, including chromium picolinate, vitamins, royal jelly, bee pollen, goldenseal, and many other herbals. It is the combination of its ephedra and caffeine ingredients that bring about total effectiveness. Other herbs contained in the product act as enhancers to the energizing effect of the unique formula.

Ephedra is actually an herb. However, there could be other unlikely effects that its usage could bring about. That is because its nutrients actually target the central nervous system as an appetite suppressant. There is nothing risky and wrong with that except that possible abuse and over-dosage could logically lead to a serious problem. Ephedra is therefore a very powerful weight loss ingredient so that it should never be approached very lightly. There is an actual need for its imminent regulation.

Do you plan to try out and use Metabothin? You could still possibly do so as it is still available online. If you are in search for a really effective fat burner, the supplement truly is for you.

Author Bio: To learn more about the hottest diet trends like Reduce Weight Fruta Planta and Super Slim Pomegranate go to for more information.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: metabothin, ephedra, fruta planta, super slim, weight loss, diet pills, celebrity diet pills

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