Optimizing Your Web Site!

If you’re new to internet marketing, many of the challenges can be overwhelming at times. You may be a whiz on the computer and know all the shortcuts, special keyboard characters and even design programs for a living, however, if you don’t know how to market, online your chances of online success is diminished substantially.

I did some consulting recently with a computer engineer, and he had designed one of the most amazing sites that I have ever had the privilege to review. His major concern was, he could never get a good page ranking on any of the search engines. He was stuck on page four of Google, and he was getting little to no traffic.

After a careful review of the source code in his site, I advised him to change nothing on the home page itself, but to change three things in his source code. By modifying the title to include some keywords, by changing the wording in the meta tag description, and re-arranging and adding some keywords and keyword phrases, I felt certain this would be the key to earning a higher page rank.

We then proceeded with a major marketing campaign and saw results almost immediately. In less than two weeks his site was on page one of Google and has stayed on page one consistently for over a year. He now enjoys a page one page rank with a #1 position in a very competitive category on the major search engines.

What we did was go back to some of the basics of optimization and saw results that had not been seen since the site was created almost six years before. The old saying “keep it simple….stupid” applies perfectly in this scenerio. When we try to over complicate a process, negative things start to happen.

You may have the best product or service ever designed by mankind, however, if your marketing campaign is not structured so the average Joe User who visits your site. If the users can’t make sense of your information, your marketing efforts are all in vain. The same applies to the responses of the search engines. If you over complicate your site or don’t follow the algorithms of the search engines the robot spiders will not come back to visit your site for a very long time. When this happens your page ranks will fall like a rock, and so will the possibilities of making a sales.

We’ve discussed in past articles the importance of structuring your website to conform to the search engines guidelines and how important it is to make your site user friendly. Both of these parts of the puzzle must be correctly composed to get the maximum efficiency when promoting your website. If you don’t understand this concept, seek the advice of a professional.

It’s imperative that you design your entire site around keywords. From the title of your site to the closing summary paragraph, you must write your content to include keywords and keyword phrases that are relevant to your business opportunity. This may be an area that your unfamiliar with or you’re not good at, so don’t hesitate to seek the services of a professional who is experienced in the type of writing.

Don’t assume that the users who visit your site know anything about your product or service. Write the information in your content as if you were telling a person who was totally oblivious about what your offering. Many users will have an elementary level of knowledge about what you’re trying to promote, however, they are visiting your site because they’re interested in additional information so they can make an informed choice to purchase your products or services. The average person will seek information about a product of interest, at least seven times before they commit of spending their money.

The search engines love new, relevant, keyword rich content. By adding content on a regular basis the search engines will send the spiders back to your site more often gathering information about your opportunity. You can add additional information to the content area of your site, or you can write articles and put the articles links on your website. Either way the spiders will pick up your links and use that information for future page ranking purposes.

Here’s a suggestion that will help simplify this process. Build your website around your primary keywords and phrases, not the other way around. Do a great deal of research when choosing your keywords. There are several programs on the internet that will help you with this process, however, to get one of these programs that is really effective, you’re going to have to shell out some cash. Some of these programs are ridiculously overpriced, so use good judgement when making your choice.

My suggestion is to take a look at the Google Keyword Tool, which is a free service. Make sure you understand the purpose of the Google tool before you build your website with the information you research. If you don’t understand this part of the process, seek some help from a professional marketing specialist.

Once you have done your research and you’ve built your website, you must create a promotional campaign to promote your business opportunity. This part of the process is probably the most important part of promotion. Design a plan, and work that plan. If you are remotely uninformed about how to do the promoting online, then seek the help of a professional immediately. You can have the best looking site on the internet (like the one we referred above) but if you don’t know how to promote your site, your chances are slim to none of achieving a successful outcome.

Marketing online is an ongoing challenge for most marketers. Get informed by studying and applying your new found knowledge to promote your online business. If you need assistance, don’t be embarrassed by seeking the advice of your marketing professional.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google,online marketing, marketin

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