Paintball Strategy – Attacking

Paintball like many other sports is about strategy and speed. It’s one of the fastest sports played today. A game can be completed within 3 to 4 minutes. So then how can you get a strategy to work with that kind of timeframe? You need several strategies to choose from within your overall game plan. A game plan should be your overall goal for your team whether that’s to win a championship or to win 3 out of 5 games. So putting together your strategy list is very important to your overall goal. And without a written goal your game plan or strategy is just a wish.

One of the best strategies to have in your game plan is to just do a straightforward attack. That means everyone on your team, whether that’s 3 or 10 people, moves forward at an even pace shooting as they move forward and trying to avoid getting shot. Of course on the paintball field it depends on the cover that is available. You may want to alter your attack some to provide cover for everyone. But, on the woodsball field the space is usually bigger and sometimes visibility is less, which provides for automatic cover. The main point is that everyone moves forward together as much as possible.

During your attack some of your people will get shot immediately, that’s part of attacking. It’s kind of like boxing, you can’t expect to hit someone in boxing and not be hit yourself. So keep your team moving forward together while firing your weapon. This will keep your enemy’s head down and keep them from getting a good shot in while you are on the attack. It happens really fast and you have to move forward and shoot at any available targets or over their heads. You are not looking for a position to relocate to you are looking to advance all the way through the enemy’s position. Destroying everything along the way and overtaking the enemy. Remember in paintball – we take no prisoners.

Once you get closer to your enemy’s position the harder they resist. They don’t want to loose the game so they will fight harder to keep you away from their base. But, when you are on the offensive, during an attack you hold the element of surprise. Your enemy has no idea that you are going to use this tactic, and unless you use it all the time, they won’t know how to defend against it. It is one of the hardest offensive maneuvers to defend against. Because you are moving forward at such a rapid pace they won’t know what to do. If you have a really aggressive team against you it may be different, but if you show up prepared to be really aggressive they won’t stand a chance against you.

To summarize; have a few tried and true strategies in your arsenal that you and your team can utilize at any moment. Not only that but you must have a complete game plan or goal for the day, month or year of your paintball season. With a few good and well-practiced strategies in your game plan the chances of any enemy defeating you are small.

Author Bio: Mike regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Guns and the Invert Mini, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Paintball Guns, Invert Mini

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