Paris, France – The City Of Light

The Age of Enlightenment had Paris as its center of ideas and education. Its intellectual preeminence earned Paris its title as the City of Light. The lighting of its city streets in the last quarter of the 19th century reinforced Paris’s claim on the moniker.

There are probably tens and thousands of songs, poems and stories attributed to Paris. The city has been described, praised, illustrated, expressed and extolled in a different million ways by millions of different people. Every known superlative that could probably be said about a city has been applied to Paris.

So much has been written about Paris. There is likelihood that one in every five people in the world has seen a picture of one of Paris’s many iconic structures. The Eiffel Tower alone has been personally seen by more than 200 million since its inauguration in 1889. What makes Paris tick? Is it the perceived romance in the air, or intellectual discussions, or the Bohemian life, or its superb arts and architecture or its famed fashion houses? Whatever preconceived notion you have of Paris, it’s best to drop them and leave yourself and senses open to a Paris experience.

First thing to do is book a plane and make hotel reservations. The City of Light is busy all year round with July and August being the worst time to visit because of the crowd. There are probably less Parisiens during these months as they leave the city to give way to the waves of tourists that flood Paris. When in Paris, where do you start?

Paris is a group of neighborhoods called arrondissements. When choosing hotels in Paris, check which arrondissement the hotel is. A quick geography lesson will point out that the left and right banks of the Seine have their own “special” attractions. The smaller Left bank has always been associated with artists and Bohemians. It is also where most educational institutions are. The Right bank is upper crust Paris. This is where the fashion houses are located. Choosing whether to go Left or Right in Paris accommodation is all up to you!

There are so many places and scenes in Paris that you can visit to make your stay memorable. Number one on the list is Eiffel tower as it could be seen from almost all points of the city. See the famous Mona Lisa by da Vinci at the Louvre Museum. Center Pompidou is one of the new venues for arts and architecture. It has a cinema, concert halls and activity center for children. Cite des Sciences at de l’Industrie has over 2.5 million guests each year to see its unique exhibits in biology, anatomy and more. If you are keen on the impressionist movement and artwork, visit the Museed’Orsay. The Arc de Triomphe might not be as famous as the Eiffel Tower but climbing its top will give you a better vantage point of the city.

Sipping coffee in one of sidewalk cafes is a “must”. No trip to Paris will be complete without experiencing this cultural phenomenon. Cafes are places to “people-watch” and socialize.

Gear towards the Right bank and take a peek at some of the most notable fashion institutions in the world: Christian Lacroix Chanel, Herm

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