Passing the White Glove Test

White office chairs are sometimes seen in doctor’s offices or in the offices of anyone who likes the white on white scheme of decorating. Personally, it would not be something that I would enjoy having in my office space but likes and dislikes are personal and varied.

The white office chair, outside of the white on white decor, would stand out like a dog taking his master for a walk with the leash on the master. The office walls are dark oak and the carpet could be of many different hues. Splashes of color are used about the room to make a ‘statement’ and amidst all this the white office chair sits. The dead branch on an otherwise healthy tree. I think by now you can be relatively sure that my preference is not the white office chair.

Maintenance would be just short of an office cleaning person’s nightmare. On a daily basis these white office chairs would definitely fail the white glove test in the area of dust but what about the rest of the stains? I can think of nothing other than a white office chair where an ink stain would be just short of horrendous! Forget the employee who gets a cut finger and bleeds all over the thing! The cost of cleaning products alone would quickly empty out the coffers.

Now to be fair, there are those that lean toward white office chairs and the white on white decorating theme. I don’t want you to feel I am totally against it either. It can often be quite pleasing and offer an ambience of calm and serenity. The proper placement of lush greenery, and other articles of color, can make for an office that is quite pleasing to look at. Still, if I were to be a member of a busy company, I would have this overpowering urge to post a “Please Remove Your Shoes” sign prominently on my office door. Another one might be, “White Office Chairs Located Here-Please Remain Standing!”

Yes, white office chairs do have their place. It is figuring out where that place is that is the problem. Oh wait a minute? How about a wedding? Items there are expected to be white, right? I am not sure a white office chair would be entirely appropriate, but at least they would be comfortable. Much nicer than those back biting wooden things they call folding chairs. All you would have to do is rent them for one days use, like many other matrimonial necessities, and let someone else worry about the food stains!

All kidding aside, for someone like me who abhors unsightly stains, a white office chair for me just would not pass muster. Just give me anything in the black or dark brown shade and I am happy. Oh, I am aware that dust can show as easily on dark colors as they can on lighter shades, but passing a feather duster over a surface is so much simpler than scrubbing your hands raw with some stain remover that may or may not work despite the numerous warnings all over the bottle.

White office chairs are just not my style.

Author Bio: For more great information about stacking office chairs, visit our new website today.

Category: Business

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