Positive Affirmation Can Shape Your Habits For Good!

The personality of person is mainly a habit, a way of life of that person. If a person is fit and carries a personality of a sportsman then it can be directly related to his habit of daily workouts. These habits start developing is a person right from his childhood. A child sees his parents and learns their way of life and habits. If parents prefer to do workouts every day then this acts as a positive affirmation for the child and in a course of time he also develops a habit of doing daily workouts. People who are obese do not have these affirmations, related to health and workouts, in their subconscious mind. Hence they have not developed this good habit. Similarly a person who has always seen their parents always stay tidy will pick up a good habit keeping their room clean, regular bath etc. So affirmations are building blocks of all habits.

In childhood, people tend to pick these affirmations without much questioning and reasoning. With age the matrix of human brain starts getting more complex, person start to reason, counter argue and learn to say no. That is why after a certain age it becomes very difficult to teach a boy to do things differently. This does not mean that the boy does not want to learn new and good things; it is just that his power of reasoning is overpowering his urge to adapt to changes. This is the reason why it takes a lot of effort to loose weight even when you know that excess fat is not good for the body. The habit of not exercising, eating calorie rich diet overpowers the habit of following a healthy lifestyle. This is where artificial and tailor made affirmation proves extremely useful.

Tailor made affirmations in the form of text, audio or images can be fed to mind to develop a good habit. This is called subliminal communication with the subconscious mind. These affirmation or subliminal messages are programmed to be fed directly to the subconscious mind without allowing it to be analyzed or filtered. These affirmations are so programmed that it can be fed to the mind 24X7 without the consciousness even realizing it. Subliminal text can be programmed to blink of the screen of your personal computer so fast that the conscious mind cannot even see it. Studies show that an average person takes approximately a month of counseling before picking a habit. If positive affirmation in the form of subliminal messaging is fed to the mind then goal focused results become very much possible. Subliminal messaging repeats the same affirmation several times a second continuously for number of days. This results in human mind absorbing this affirmation and converting it into a habit. If a student wants to study minimum 4hours each day, then he can pass on this affirmation to mind and in turn the subconscious mind will convert this affirmation into a habit. Power of affirmations is like holy gospels that our subconscious mind believes without questioning.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free ‘Ultimate Success Unleashed’ Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: positive affirmation,shape your habits for good,subconscious mind,daily workouts

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