Prevent Yourself From Losing What You Cherish

A lot of times we find ourselves in the situation where staying together with the person we love, becomes impossible, and we end up asking ourselves,” Where did all the love go?” Situations like these are one of the most devastating phases of a human life, as a person loses all the valuable possessions s/he had – love, support, everything. These are the most important possessions a human being can ever possess.

A relationship is one of the most sensitive parts of a human life. So, even a little mistake can create catastrophe. Here are some common mistakes that couples make:

1.Lack of communication. This is the main reason for a divorce. Most of the people will now say, “Hey, I thought the lack of TRUST leads to a divorce!” Well, that’s partially true. For example, you may be suspecting your partner is having an affair with another person, but you don’t know for sure. The key here is to communicate. Tell your partner what you think. The role of the other party here is also important. After being asked a question like this, it is usual to get mad if there is nothing like that, but instead, you should explain and talk yourselves through the matter. Make your partner believe that there is nothing like “another one” in your relationship. If the couple does not communicate as much as they should, the suspecting will keep growing big and lead to a breakage in relationship.

2.A lot of time after marriage, couples lack emotional or romantic aspects of a relationship. This happens due to the responsibilities and hardness of life that a couple faces when raising a family. But be very careful, as a relationship needs constant cherishing.

3.Cheating. It is the ultimate reason for divorces. There are a lot of reasons for cheating on a partner. Everyone seeks happiness and joy, and when that ends in a relationship, people tend to seek another person to have it. Again, communication should take place. Not knowing what your partner needs, can create this problem.

4.Lack of physical action is also a reason. It might sound unethical, but sex is a very important part of a relationship.

What to Do

As all of the above reasons lead to a very rough relationship and can lead to urgent conditions as divorce, it is very important to avoid these. Moreover, you should also consider some of the below points to keep your relationships in good health and prevent yourself from losing what you cherish – your relationship, your partner.

-Communicate as much as you can. Tell your partner what you need, how you need it. Do not hesitate! Even if it’s the way your partner kisses or moves on bed, just say it!

-Be supportive of your partner’s needs; both mental and physical.

-Remind your partner how much you love him/her, it is important. Just a little note on the mirror or a card says it all- it does not take much effort!

-Do Not nag! Nagging is disgusting! Just say softly what you want.

-Always remember, “Prevention is better than cure” so make wise decisions while choosing a partner. Don’t just go to the church and say “I do” think a thousand times before saying that.

Cherish your love and always be rational. That way you can prevent yourself from saying “Where did all the love go?”

Author Bio: Irsan’s passion is to write on variety of subjects. Please visit her latest website at cuisinart coffee grinder which contains reviews on braun coffee grinder and other information about coffee grinders.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: good relationship

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