Resistance Bands Exercises – 3 Killer Strategies For Strength Training

What are the best strategies to use in your resistance bands exercises? In this article you will find out some of the best ways to use fitness bands in your strength training workout.

Resistance bands are a fun, simple and convenient way to get a good strength training workout. The best part about fitness tubing is that they are completely portable. You can take into your office and get an a workout on your lunch hour, or when on vacation you can still workout and save yourself time and money going to the local gym. And of course, you can use in the home anywhere because they don’t require a great deal of space.

Just a quick note, there are usually three goals in most individuals work out routines.

1. Create greater muscle mass

2. Develop greater strength

3. To increase muscular endurance

It makes sense that each one of the strategies has a different way of training. It is very important you decide early on what is your primary goal. Understand one thing though, you can build greater muscle size without having increased strength. Once that decision has been made, the rest is easy. For greater muscle mass perform a 12 repetitions, strength can be developed in the 6 to 8 rep range. And if your goals to increase the endurance in your muscles perform 12 or more repetitions of each exercise.

Well, now we understand some of the advantages of fitness bands training, let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this article.

Here Are the Best 3 Tricks to Utilize in Your Resistance Bands Exercises:

1. Bear in mind that is more important to perform movements slowly especially in the eccentric phase of the exercise that you just quickly move through your workout. Let me explain, let’s take an exercise that we’re all familiar with the bicep curl. The eccentric phase of the movement is when you are lowering your hands back down.

2. The heavier your training the more rest you will need between exercises. If your goal is greater strength than rest a little water between 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. For muscle mass rest between 45 seconds to one minute..

3.Remember to never work out a muscle group more than twice in a given week. If you’re looking to increase the size of your biceps were example, you could train biceps on Monday and then again on Friday or Saturday. However, make sure that only one of the workouts is your “heavy workout.” The second workout should be much lighter resistance and higher repetitions. Say 15 reps if you are using a increasing muscle size workout strategy

I’m going to include one additional bonus tip that I know will keep you motivated and support your fitness objectives.

If your workout normally takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour then, spent a few minutes ahead of time selecting some exciting fast-paced music to listen to on your MP3 player. Choose music that makes you feel energized. This type of music will keep you going even on the days we are lacking a little energy. And since I’m feeling generous, here is one additional strategy. It’s very simple, and perhaps you are using it already.

Record each exercise you perform along with the resistance used, the number repetitions performed, and of course the number of sets you did. This not only helps you in your next workout but, the keys you visual proof of the strength gains that you’ll be making with your resistance bands exercises.

Author Bio: Want to turn yourself into a muscle building, fat burning machine? Here’s the Muscle Building Equipment I use >> Bodylastics. And get a FREE resistance bands muscle building guide. Download it free here:

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Resistance bands exercises, strength bands exercises, fitness bands exercises, resistance band exercise program, resistance bands

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