Security in Churches and Synagogues

These days, nowhere is immune to crime, even churches and synagogues. In the last few years, there have been news stories of arson, violent crime, and even sexual assault taking place in our nation’s holiest places. Your church or synagogue may not be as safe as it seems initially, especially if you spend time there alone, such as when cleaning, decorating for an event, or planning a sermon. Although acts of violence or crime at a church have traditionally been quite rare, nevertheless, church buildings are becoming increasingly vulnerable to those with criminal intent. No religious denomination is safe from this threat.

You can reduce the likelihood of these threats by installing indoor and outdoor surveillance cameras. You may want to consider hidden cameras to avoid interrupting the serene and timeless environment inside the church. These recordings can help catch criminals or even protect you from liability if someone makes a false claim against your church or synagogue, a critical concern in this day and age.

Churches are generally large public buildings, and while they may seem very safe, this may not always be the case. When the congregation is gathered, this means a relatively large number of people in your church building. With so many people gathered, it is impossible to keep an eye on everyone. While you would think that those in a church would always act honestly and with good intentions, this may not be the case. A key strategy in a church or synagogue is having ushers watch the main door during the service.

Many churches don’t have a plan for dealing with thieves, criminals, or even more run-of-the-mill emergencies such as a medical emergency or a natural disaster. If you work in a church, you should spearhead an effort to have all of these policies in place. Furthermore, almost no churches have a plan to deal with what the police call an “active shooter,” or someone who has entered the sanctuary with a weapon and is clearly a threat.

This is certainly a scary proposition in any location, but especially in a church. You may want to work with your local law enforcement agency to develop a plan and share it with members of the congregation. Remind church members to take care when walking in the parking lot of the church., and do not leave valuables in plain sight. Taking the appropriate security precautions has become increasingly necessary in all areas of our lives, including at home, out shopping, and even at church.

In addition to the threat of violence, your church is also vulnerable to theft. Churches often have sound systems and AV gear, fancy candelabras, and other expensive goods on public display. These items are relatively easy to steal, and should be stored in a secure room when not in use. Most churches also have a fair amount of cash in the building. Cash control is essential, but it’s often missing in churches and synagogues. You may not want to believe that members of your own congregation would be willing to steal from the coffers, but unfortunately, it’s a possibility you must watch out for. Always have two people count the cash and checks, and control who has access to the money.

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