Sedation Dental Care – Why and How to Use It

The increased availability of sedation dental care is attracting more patients who have been reluctant to get needed dental treatments. Many people, however, lack a full understanding of the circumstances under which sedation dental care can be beneficial. Others are unaware that many states have enacted new guidelines to further ensure patient safety.

This article deals with the provision of oral conscious sedation dental care, as opposed to higher level of sedation – IV sedation, general anesthesia. (Those higher levels of sedation are more commonly reserved for serious dental surgery because of the added risk that goes hand-in-hand with deeper levels of sedation and loss of consciousness. To manage those higher risks, special equipment is used to maintain an airway during the process.)

Why Use Sedation Dental Care?

Sedation dentistry has perhaps become most popular among those who experience anxiety about having dental procedures performed, a condition that some call “dental phobia.” If you fall into this category, you clearly are not alone. Some estimate that more than 1 in 10 people are not getting the dental care they need because of dental phobia. However, there are many other reasons that sedation dental care is an option for other people to consider. Those include:

-Jaw pain – Whether you have acute or chronic jaw pain, sedation dental care can provide you the comfort you need, especially when you need a lengthy procedure or one that requires you to open your mouth wider than normally feels comfortable.

-Back and neck pain – Some patients with these conditions find the experience of sitting in a dentist’s chair uncomfortable, especially for prolonged treatments. Sedation dental care can help you avoid the discomfort.

-Sensitive teeth – Some people’s teeth are simply more sensitive than other peoples’ teeth. Sedation dentistry doesn’t negate the need for anesthesia, but being fully relaxed helps manage/reduce the discomfort that you might otherwise experience.

-Inability to get numb – Some people are more resistant than others to anesthetics; in those cases, being relaxed helps the time pass quickly. Patients experience less awareness of and concern about discomfort.

-Fear of needles – Unlike some stronger forms of sedation that are administered with a needle, oral conscious sedation (administered by pills or nitrous oxide) lets you become fully relaxed and generally unaware before an anesthetic (if needed) is administered with a needle. Many patients aren’t aware of what happens during the procedure, although they remain conscious and can respond to commands from the dentist.

-Complex treatment plans – Some cosmetic dentistry treatments can be lengthy. Sedation dental care makes the time pass quickly. At times, what would normally require several visits can be accomplished in a single visit, simply because the patient is not aware of how much time has elapsed.

-Periodontal treatments – These treatments can sometimes cause anxiety or discomfort in patients who experience neither with routine dental treatments. Periodontal needs, left unattended, can quickly develop into far more serious health issues. Many patients opt for sedation dental care when undergoing periodontal treatment, even though they don’t use it otherwise.

Undergoing sedation dental care does require that you have a caregiver present who can safely transport you home after the dental treatment is complete. If you have other questions about sedation dental care, a qualified provider of sedation dentistry can answer those questions.

How to Use Sedation Dental Care

Wise consumers of health care always check out their service providers. The same wisdom should be applied in selecting a provider of sedation dental care. In some states, the state dental board may have special qualification guidelines (beyond those required to practice general dentistry) that govern the administration of sedation dental care. North Carolina is one such state in which new guidelines took effect less than a year ago. The NC guidelines offer patients a “safety check” – helping to ensure that those who administer various levels of sedation have received both specialized training and experience in providing the service.

The various levels of sedation dental care that are available in NC are associated with different training requirements and types of equipment that must be available to support safe administration. Sedation dental care can be very safely administered. Due to its growing popularity, though, many states like NC have instituted guidelines that provide even great assurance for patients considering sedation dentistry. Much of the sedation dental care training is also focused on procedures to be followed should a [rare] problem arise. The dentist and staff members are fully trained on procedures and have special equipment available to address problems. The net result for patients in states like NC is that they can feel more confident than ever about taking advantage of sedation dental care in any of the situations described above.

If you want to know more about sedation dental care and whether special regulations exist in your state, contact your state’s dental board or explore its website. (Regulation of that, as well as the practice of general dentistry, occurs at the state, not the national, level.)

Author Bio: A leading Sedation Dental Care practice provided these general guidelines for selecting a general dentist in the United States. Practicing Sedation Dental Care at Raleigh Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry and is committed to offering high quality dental services and exceptional patient care. The practice provides a wide variety of dental treatments.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: sedation dental care,sedation dentistry

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