Shenzhen Innovative Applications of Integrated Circuits Debut Exhibition in June

Follows a group of pictures, you can guess what type of companies that stand it? Held in the recent Hong Kong Electronics Show, the Swiss introduced the core micro relief and shows 50 models of mobile Internet innovative applications, covering iMID (5 inch screen or less), 3GMID (built in 3GSIM card) Tablet PC (China core iPad), smart phones (Android +3 G +720 P), electronic reader (commonly known as e books), wireless digital photo frame series innovative end products. Although this is a chip maker, but it stands almost see the shadow of the chip.

Rockchip example is only a small microcosm of the industry, in fact, regardless of international and domestic, almost all IC manufacturers have begun to play the “Innovative Application” brand, more involved in program design level, because they know that the Chinese electronic information industry is undergoing upgrading the industrial structure, their customers?? large electronic systems manufacturers, whether cottage or a brand but ODM, system integrators … …, are all applications of the innovation performance of an unprecedented desire.

Industry debate whether “W” shape, “V” shaped or “Nike” curve, China’s electronic information industry has finally turned into the path we expect the rise, the growth rate in 2010 will reach more than 30%, but volume did not recover to the level before the economic crisis. Experienced the painful struggle of the low, industry is actively seeking to promote stronger growth and higher margin market of innovative applications and market opportunities. From 4C integration, three screen integration to the most recent advance of the triple play, the field of electronic information emerging new technology integration and development of energy saving technology innovation and applications for the limitless imagination, mobile Internet, digital home, IP TV, 3D Stereo Video, smart grid, LED lighting, new energy vehicles … … However, these popular applications need to rely on innovative concepts and implementations underlying platform to “landing.”

The story behind: “Innovative Application” concept show brewing

Shenzhen, China, all creative and design, is fully transferred to the innovative cities. According to related statistics, in 2009, Shenzhen, the electronic information industry, high technology products and innovations for nearly 800 billion yuan output value, accounting for the city’s percentage of the GDP Jiucheng, in all of China under the impact of the financial crisis, but also thriving 12%, well above the national average. Shenzhen in China’s electronic information industry, the status of innovation is evident.Shenzhen as the center of the Pearl River Delta is not only the existence of electronic information industry circle by a large number of major support, eye leading star enterprises, more numerous in the liberal system and market environment, the emergence of creative and dynamic SMEs. As mentioned earlier, both seek to enhance international competitiveness of the brands and export enterprises, or the accumulation of a certain technical strength, ready for a new wave of restructuring wave of the cottage industry, are actively looking for more innovative applications for their own.

In this backdrop, has been successfully held before the seventh of Shenzhen, “Pan Pearl River Delta IC Products & Summit,” the organizers who are thinking of how to provide the core for power electronics and IC design innovation results and the urgent needs of the downstream firms combine to help semiconductor vendors and solution providers seize the new round of market opportunities. To meet market demand, in 2010 the event will be upgraded to a new exhibition, to meet the upgrading of China’s electronic information industry, and better services for the IC industry. The new show is still held lychee scent of the season (June 2 3), all entitled “Innovative Application of Shenzhen Integrated Circuit Exhibition” (, by definition will be “application” and “innovative” features , manufacturers of electronic systems for the PRD, integrating the upstream and downstream supply chain resources, dedicated to providing manufacturers with the application of high technology solutions and the direction of one stop access platform.”Pan Pearl River Delta IC Products & Summit” is the South China ICs, most influential industry event. Activities in 2009, an unprecedented scale, has begun to take shape the show, there were about 500 Chinese IC industry, academia and representatives of government, industry and machine manufacturers of high level participation in the system. The two day seminar is divided into five themes, a total of 35 lectures plus four round table discussions, while ad hoc in the hall outside the conference room has conducted a total of 20 products for the exhibition held this year has laid a good foundation .

Several “amazing” features, interpret trends in innovative applications

Despite the industrial atmosphere and the “mass base”, but get together in various exhibitions in Shenzhen, how to create the “Innovative Application of Shenzhen Integrated Circuit Exhibition” features its own highlights and a major challenge, “innovation” and “application” should not be a gimmick but to really bring the industry feel amazing and worthwhile trip.First, from the division of the exhibition, this exhibition specifically for the needs of electronics manufacturers, divided close to the market pulse several hot zone applications, and highlight the products and programs displayed on the practicality and creativity. “Mobile phone portable consumer electronics” area of the exhibitors in the most widely used 32 bit ARM processor core provider of third party companies as the typical representative, IDT, joint core (the original “Shanghai Tang”) and other chips to provide 3G mobile phone applications will all be present, Rockchip Microelectronics, Actions Semiconductor and other manufacturers of multimedia processors for mobile Internet will bring a cool application chip and system solutions. As mentioned earlier, with the national policy on the promotion of triple play, the discussion for many years to TV centric digital home market to take off just around the corner.

In the “digital home entertainment system” exhibition, the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute will promote its latest high definition TV Box program, and in the field of wired and mobile digital television made many achievements in China and Asia Microelectronics, Montage Technology and other chip manufacturers We bring single chip television program, image receiving and processing program, a variety of standard digital TV receiver program. In the “green energy, and industrial control,” Pavilion, Bright E, BYD and other manufacturers latest power management solutions, core body, said the sea of solar and other low carbon solutions will show scales added a “green” innovative applications of color . Particularly worth mentioning is that the ROK Economic and Trade Promotion Association will organize a number of South Korean semiconductor companies in emerging group exhibition, they are in industrial control, robotics, LCDTV and other fields to look forward to some innovative applications.

Second, for smart phones, netbooks, MID, e books and other popular consumer electronics applications open area, inviting living behind the scenes, the system has been the company focus on design appearance, which in all the show is unique. The design of the company “after the cottage” Time will show what innovation and inspiration, hardware and software design which presents the most “boom” of the trend? Their mode of service which will be a new attempt? Then, let’s visit the scene of a A search for the answer.IC Design Innovation is the application of one of the main support innovation and industrial upgrading strategy is the focus of national coverage area, adhering to the “Pan Pearl River Delta IC Products & Summit,” the fine tradition of the other major goal of this exhibition is fully demonstrated China’s IC design industry chain and promote the development of China’s IC design industry. To this end, the organizers deliberately opened up IC design “chain are” area, including the IP vendor ARM, EDA tool vendors, foundry CSMC, design services company Huatai Guo Qi, Taiwan IC design, etc. Socle upstream companies will be participating, together with seven Chinese IC design industry bases Pavilion, it will be a Chinese IC design industry chain downstream of the full show and an excellent opportunity to interact.

Not the same as “one stop”

Perhaps the “one stop” people think too much of this publicity spread the word, however, show that Shenzhen innovative applications of integrated circuits, “one stop” platform unique: the direction of the industry’s first application program and a one stop access to platform technology, exhibitors exhibits and technology is practical and innovative; innovative design chain, one stop “access point”, this exhibition can be said to cover up the design chain, including IC design service companies, IP providers, IC factory, program design, systems development and manufacturing companies, industry standards organizations and industry alliances and so on.

From specific services, the organization of this exhibition is also close times to try to do. As mentioned above, according to system applications show booth to be divided, the audience can help participants quickly and efficiently understand the relevant supplier information, combined with the main chip demonstration of a different type of related applications, easy to understand, study and comparison. Applications and programs to the theme of a series of technology seminars has a strong product specific.

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