Small Business Comment of LED Lighting is so Hot as Inevitable Has Pros and Cons

What is the hottest lighting industry?

LED certainly can not be two answers.

Second in the world, in Asia, Guangzhou International Lighting Fair has concluded, after the din of live show, many companies have introduced the second half of 2009, as well as planning for the next few years, there are large multinational companies move more local small and medium enterprises the development of commitment, but they were all crying with one voice, all the planning and Mercedes all point to a similar goal: LED.

Looking multinational lighting company.
Philips, led by Chief Executive Officer of Greater China, during the exhibition shouting: We do a leader in LED lighting slogan. Before that, green lighting, LED macro vision of the future has already started.

Sharp spent three years planning, is expected home in 2012 to enter the LED lighting, LED not only defined the objectives, and navigate to a particular area has been refined.

Toshiba Lighting introduced 6.9W, 4.1W and other general lighting bulbs, and will be available within a year 100WLED light bulbs, and supporting progressive implementation of the system of market expansion strategy.

Looking at the domestic market.

China to promote energy efficient lighting for two consecutive years, no doubt holds the key to China’s LED industry, driven by this strong and clear, any business with a keen sense of smell will be market aware. 2009 “10 City 10 000” specific to the cities, counties and cities of the LED lamp applications strategy for the local in, companies are preparing to join the LED display to provide more stage. As long as you have strength, Dongguan ground LED lights can be installed on to Beijing!

2009 Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition, the front-line staff to communicate back with the latest developments in business: 50% of the local enterprises have also played in 2009 to create LED brand, developing LED market, LED lighting under the banner of test water.

Perhaps the Government’s policy is a trend of the wind blowing, and strive to create a kind of momentum; or parts of government policy or to create an atmosphere for the LED industry, lay a basis for the birth and development; and the frequent movement of all enterprises, then distinct beckons: 2009, LED hot wind, already started blowing. We might do a little comment on the company.

Strength of large companies should not blindly trust big.

Advantages: big companies into the LED, a significant advantage in four areas in short: scientific research strength, economic support, market experience, the channel resources?? Foreign advanced technology LED no doubt make their product development to lead the industry, and has been quite mature market operation mechanism and the process also makes the development of these large companies to closely integrate with the market to develop the most appropriate marketing mechanisms to guarantee the smooth flow of sales channels. Sales network around the world and will also for their LED products to provide strong support for the rapid spread.

Disadvantages: too many advantages together, may be a drag factor. Because of too much power and support necessary to prove feasible, but the action of large enterprises will bring more pressure and shackles, brand building and channel to open up too dependent on existing resources, is not conducive to business development and growth and future expansion. We are only worried about. Not decide? Big business advantages over the self-confidence and will give them lost of control of hardship.

Multi-party support to refrain from ruining small business market.

Advantage: In a word, China’s domestic LED business advantages, mainly in three areas: one for the government to vigorously promote and support, and unlimited macro with given resources. The second is the price advantage?? Corny, Chinese enterprises, raw materials and manpower are decided, the price of the same product more attractive in China. Third, small boat U-turn: now the whole of China more than 3,000 semiconductor lighting company, of which at least half of 2009 saw a huge market opportunity for LED stroke the table to be launched immediately following the. Smaller scale, making the flexible lighting business to China’s outstanding small boat U-turn advantage.

Disadvantages: Do not ruin the Chinese market remains our most sincere hope LED SMEs. Turning fluorescent lamps, lanterns, “was ruining the market” is a consensual conclusion, small lighting company in China is a permanent pain.

For hot emerging industries or technology will gather in Hong Kong, this is a traditional, but also the embodiment of Chinese wisdom. While we can not determine the LED industry to avoid this problem, but many lessons have we deplore this, let us to the industry as the most careful scientific development goal, it should not hamper the market.

Patents can not be talking about the loss is the problem of Chinese enterprises. Most of LED chips to grasp core technology and a few big companies in foreign hands, if not a breakthrough core technology, can only rely on parts or assembled on the local LED company in China to build first? This is definitely a joke and not easy to achieve good wishes.

Voice call with a rational way.

Many industry insiders believe, LED lighting industry is technology-and capital-intensive industries, investment intensity, high technical difficulty, long chain, technology research difficult, high investment, long period, these are payments by domestic enterprises need to address LED problems. Most of the domestic LED industry is facing fundamental research, development shortages, combined with the current global financial crisis are in the shadow of being, in this situation, anxious to processing and marketing of LED products, will inevitably lead to duplication brought into the vicious competition. More and more experts are beginning to call for reason: Despite the development of LED lighting has great potential, but current technology level, cost has not decreased significantly, investors should choose a good time and input methods.

Even if companies have generous action, even if there are a number of capital investment, even though there is a wide range of market positioning? We also believe that China’s LED market, not necessarily successful, must be able to make one of the companies involved in making the pot full. Perhaps this sentence caused us more food for thought? Outsiders LED threshold is very low, in fact, it’s the water deep.

Guard against repeating the mistakes can not take the old path of energy-saving lamps. However, LED is a trend to more and more clear that a strong offensive posture. We may come to an objective look at its future.

Experts have pointed out, LED will cover home lighting, commercial lighting, industrial lighting, road and outdoor lighting and other fields. But now LED main sales market is still in the public domain, and in household demand for lighting large areas that it actually applied the least. Therefore, experts point out, LED energy-saving lamps eventually need to move the mass distribution channels, and some even predicted that. In support of state subsidies, according to the current development situation of LED projections, individuals, home users will use LED lighting in 2012, after the peak.

“LED energy saving lamps can not go past the old road, should put an end to the phenomenon of energy-saving lamps are not energy efficient.” Is another sincerely hope that industry experts. Will really work the advantages of LED, energy saving and green lighting to really convey to users the benefits of the hands of that time with hot and prosperity, not just LED business, LED industry, but the participation of all the chain by!

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