Sparkle Tool – Wilderness Survival Fire Sparkle and Blade Cutter Tool

Do you always find problems starting a fire during camps or hikes, failing to light a sparkle? Or do you simply avoid such activities because you know you can’t start a fire? I used to avoid any activity, afraid of embarrassing myself in front of my friends because I’ve never managed to get any fire sparkle, let alone a fire started for camping and hiking needs. And you know what that does for a man’s ego.

People who are experienced with starting fires would probably know that using matches or even gas lighters during windy or wet conditions is absolutely futile. Nothing around you will catch fire, if you can even get the flame going. The secret of lighting a sparkle in any weather condition is to use awilderness survival fire sparkle and blade cutter tool. It fits in my pocket and little waist-pouch so I just carry this life-saving sparkle tool wherever I go since it’s so handy and reliable. I’ve even stashed one in the car. You never know when you might get lost or stranded and need to start a fire either as an SOS signal, or simply to keep warm when you spend the night in the woods. I’m very confident during camping trips now as I start fires easily with this handy sparkle tool that I’ve come to love. Starting a fire in the woods is necessary to create light, cook food, and simply for warmth. The smoke and light from the fire also keeps snakes and other predators away from the campsite. Sleeping by a campfire is really comfortable and addictive, by the way! I even use the wilderness survival fire sparkle and blade cutter tool for our monthly barbeque sessions with the friendly neighbors! Guess whose ego is boosted from impressed neighbors? They all want a sparkle tool now! It’s really easy to use, and highly affordable! It definitely goes under my must-have survival tools list.

As you can see in the pictures above, it is a simple sparkle tool that will go a long way in times of need. Easily attach it to the keychain that holds your bunch of keys, or carry the sparkle tool on its own.

So how do we go about using this sparkle tool? Simply gather some tinder, such as dry leaves, tissue, paper, and any other dry easily flammable material to create the flame you get from the spark you will create using the sparkle tool. Scrape the blade cutter against the fire sparkle rod really close to the tinder so that the fire catches. There you go, simple and fast. For your tinder, I wouldn’t recommend using things like tree branches because they don’t create flames as easily and fast as material like dry leaves and thin paper. But well, that’s just common sense I guess.

Other than for your camping and hiking needs, this sparkle tool would most certainly be good to have around for fishing and barbeque, like what I mentioned earlier. I gave one of this handy sparkle tool to my dad for Fathers’ Day and he’s loving it! He uses it often for his weekly fishing trips. So all you good sons and daughters might want to consider this great sparkle tool for a great Fathers’ Day gift.

The wilderness survival fire sparkle and blade cutter tool I have with me supposedly lights 5000-12000 times. That sure beats carrying around or buying that many matches or gas lighters. This fire sparkle tool saves me so much time and effort when I really need those fires going. While others struggle to get their fires started with gas lighters when there’s wind and rain, the fire I create with my trusty tool is already burning strong.

Author Bio: Bill Zhang is a U.S. fashion magazine editors, he chose to recommend to you this article. Product Catalog Enjoy shopping in

Category: Cooking
Keywords: sparkle,Fire,Fire Sparkle,Blade,Cutter,Tool

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