Sri Lanka: Using Tropical Beach Images to Boost a Sagging Economy

A casual scan through a travel magazine or a website will reveal lush tropical beach images that invite one to visit that country. What could be more tempting to holiday in a tropical destination when one’s own country is in the grip of winter? Sri Lanka is one country which does a lot of advertising to lure international tourists to visit the country. It uses its tropical beach images so successfully that tourism is now a mainstay of the economy of that country.

The efforts of the government to increase tourism to this island are particularly of importance since Sri Lanka has been in the grip of a civil war for a few decades. Sri Lanka depends on exports of seafood and textiles to earn revenue from abroad, and it does not have a huge industrial or manufacturing infrastructure that it could use to earn revenues. Tourism is therefore of the greatest importance to them. Tourists are very sensitive to any type of disturbances worldwide and for a while all that was seen of Sri Lanka was of deserted beach images.

The economy of this island nation has been ravaged by the war and it is now time to take steps to repair it. It can use its verdant tropical beach images in addition to pictures of beautiful temples in order to attract tourists. This will have an effect on the large part of the population since there are many occupations that get a direct and indirect benefit from tourism.

However, it is interesting to note that even during the height of the civil war in Sri Lanka; the beaches were not targeted for attack. This has unfortunately been a common occurrence in other countries. There are too many such sad instances to recount, but terrorist attack on Western tourists at Luxor in Egypt managed to make a substantial dent in that countries tourism. The tourism business is very sensitive to any such disturbances and after all, the world is not lacking for beautiful places to visit for a holiday.

The Sri Lankan government’s efforts to contain the civil war within a particular territory has therefore paid rich dividends keeping the numbers of inbound tourists from dropping too much even when the bloody civil conflict reached its peak. Some analysts even attribute this to the good sense of the terrorist groups whom were fighting the government. These groups depended on a lot of support from the international community in order to keep alive their battle against the government. They had huge expatriate communities living in western nations and they derive a lot of support from these people.

The tourism authorities of Sri Lanka have to spare no effort to get arrivals back to the levels they were at before the conflict started. The beautiful beach images they show to the rest of the world through travel brochures and presentations are a great reminder that this is a wonderful destination to visit and where one can have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Beach Images, Beach Graphics or Beach Pictures.

Category: Travel
Keywords: Beach images, Sri Lanka, tropical beach images, civil war, deserted beach, enjoyable holiday

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