The Benefits of Homemade Solar Panels

These days, environment issues have become one of the most important aspects in our day to day life. Solar energy is possibly one of the most natural and safe ways to reduce your ecological footprint, which is a measure of your demand on the Earth’s ecosystems. However, pre-built solar energy systems can be really expensive and your budget may not be enough to afford them. That is the reason why you should consider making your own homemade solar panel. It will surely be smaller, but it will help you to decrease your impact on the environment, not to mention the insignificant shock for your pocket.

Homemade solar panels offer five top benefits you should take into account. The first and most vital is the one regarding to the environment. It s a fact that a homemade solar panel may not be enough to power an entire house, but it could reduce your electricity use. Power provided by the electric companies comes usually from non-renewable resources, so if you shrink your demand, your footprint will certainly smaller. Another great aspect of building a homemade solar panel is that you can get to save almost around 60% percent over the cost of a commercial panel. You should add to that the extra money you can save due to your smaller electricity consume. By constructing your own homemade solar panel, you can get to challenge your brains, as you need to understand how these panels work and how to design one. Then you could even make a larger panel and get your whole house run by solar energy. The cost of this kind of projects depends mostly on the amount of power you want to obtain from your homemade solar panel. The number of cells you use will define how much power you can get out of the panel. More cells mean more solar energy, but it also means a higher cost. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that many materials that you already have at home can be used for the project and you can save a little more. Finally, let’s talk about how much time and sweat this task could require. Not much, but manipulating the fragile cells should be carefully done, with no hurry whatsoever. Once you have done some research and you are perfectly aware of how solar energy works, you should get the materials and get to work. To build a solar panel you absolutely need to buy tabbed photovoltaic cells, because there is no way you can have some of those at home. Deep picture frames or shadows boxes and a clear plastic cover are also required. You need a solder and soldering iron, as well as Popsicle sticks, insulated and non-insulated wire. Make sure you have a multimeter, an AC inverter and a battery holder. RTV silicone and a schottky diode are necessary, too.

And that it is, you have everything you need to start to build your own homemade solar panel and turn your place into an environmental – friendly home. 

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Category: Society
Keywords: homemade solar,solar panel,homemade solar panel,solar energy

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