The New Policy Affects the Processing Trade Industry Faces Broad Reshuffle

A substantial reduction in export tax rebate rate of “earthquake” effect has not dissipated, the processing trade restrictions, “Thunder,” come one after another.

On the 23rd of this month about a new version of the national implementation process restricted category, the PRD has aroused strong repercussions related industries. Two days before yesterday, seven ministries and commissions jointly organized by the national research team went nonstop.

Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen, the processing trade enterprises with foreign investment to communicate and listen to feedback.

Yesterday morning, the Guangzhou municipal government policy specifically hold special briefings for representatives of more than 400 processing trade enterprises Interpretation of the New Deal.

At the press interview, no matter experts or government officials, all said the new policy on processing trade industry, the impact of the Pearl River Delta is not small, the industries will lead to a major reshuffle survival of the fittest, how the crisis into the transformation and upgrading of power, enterprises are facing difficult choice and even life and death.

“New policy” extensive influence.

July 23 this year, the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs jointly issued the “Notice No. 44”, provides processing trade restricted catalog of 2247 10 Customs commodity code, 394 of which have been issued for the goods before the year 2007, 1853 for the new products, also provides for the inclusion of restricted goods will implement the bank deposit account, “real change” management. The new policy will be Aug. 23, 2007 formally implemented.

The 1853 New restrictions on products mainly of plastic raw materials and products, textile yarn, fabrics, furniture and other labor-intensive industries, accounted for 15% of customs commodity code. Under the new policy, business management category by Customs to pay security deposit. A Class B Class and subject to a 50% margin business; C class of business by all bonded imported materials and import duties payable on imports and 100% of value added tax levied margin.

According to Guangzhou Customs investigation, from the structure of export commodities of view, affected the amount of Guangdong is the biggest textile yarn, fabrics and products, affecting the widest range of plastic products. Structure of imported goods from the point of view, the greatest amount of Guangdong affected as steel, textile yarn and fabrics and products, primary plastics.

“Shock wave” quite a lot.

“Policy adjustment in the short term part of the processing trade enterprises will have some negative impact, especially in Guangzhou Textile shoes, hats, jewelry, leather, chemicals, feed, etc. have certain impact on traditional industries.” Guangzhou Foreign Trade Secretary Dr Xiao said that Guangzhou has more than 470 enterprises of processing trade policy adjustments by the impact of last year’s estimated import and export volume of processing trade in Guangzhou, with 2.587 billion U.S. dollars (not including the deep processing carry-over) included in the new restricted category, accounting for Guangzhou Processing exports worth as much, and the enterprises to increase the burden of 1.245 billion yuan of bonds.

From Guangzhou Customs statistics show that during the first half of this year, total imports and exports of processing trade in Guangdong 179.22 billion U.S. dollars, up 16.6% over last year, accounting for the same period the total value of imports and exports of Guangdong 62.7%, although the impact of Guangdong affected by the new directory import and export value of processing trade accounted for 5.2% of GDP, lower than the average impact of China’s level of 2.5 percentage points, but as the largest province of China’s processing trade, the introduction of restricted catalog of adjustment, will be the processing trade in Guangdong long-term development and industrial restructuring have a major impact.

Dongguan Foreign Investment Enterprises Association, the official said, seven ministries and research group called processing trade enterprises in Dongguan, open forum, Hongkong and Taiwan enterprises in one voice crying, said the cost increases, pressure accounting for funds, operational difficulties. These enterprises have hoped that relevant departments in the implementation of related policy process, can provide more flexible operation, minimize losses and the enterprise that if the measure is not perfect in matching the time of the cancellation of “SMEs often,” then there will be more companies unbearable.

“Big reshuffle” will be staged.

Guangzhou Municipality Director Luo Kunming processing trade that ultimately put the new directory, and compared to the original rumors of the policy, there are many liberal areas, such as restricted items than the export tax rebate reduction of more than 2000 categories to be less Guangdong proud deep processing carry-over restriction, this also did not immediately halt “SMEs often”, it is important that this policy adjustment to the most up to a Year transition period.

This year, the state regulation of import and export trade, a portfolio of applied frequency, first published in April, “Catalogue Prohibited for Processing Trade”, then notice “to strengthen management of processing trade”, followed in mid-June announced a variety of products to reduce export tax rebate rate, and is now new 1853 restrictions on processing trade products, all aimed at the same goal??? optimize the export structure, and low value-added, high energy consumption, high pollution, the excessive growth of exports and reduce trade friction to promote transformation and upgrading of processing trade.

“For the weak or a crisis, with the transformation and upgrading of the capacity of the enterprise is a turning point for the strong, the winner is a historical opportunity for development.” Xiao Zhenyu pointed out sharply.

Customs investigations showed that from January to June this year, Guangdong involve new version of “list of restricted processing trade” in the actual import and export of processing trade enterprises recorded a total of 7647, accounting for the same period the actual import and export records in Guangdong have the total number of processing trade enterprises 23.9%.

Among them, foreign-invested enterprises are the most affected groups. Data show that from January to June this year, foreign-funded enterprises import and export of processing trade in Guangdong list of restricted goods worth 73.5 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the new directory by the impact of the total value of goods 79.2%, accounting for the same period under the processing trade in Guangdong foreign-invested enterprises into 5.3% of total exports.

“Transitional period” should have strokes.

How the new policy while avoiding disadvantages? Guangzhou Municipality Director Luo Kunming processing trade enterprises to Return Weapon: First 44 Notice to make full use of “transition.” It is reported that, according to policy, August 23, has been approved and registered in the processing trade contract can still be valid according to the contract (six months to 1 year) is finished, so that businesses can get up to one year transition period.

He suggested that had not yet engaged in processing trade enterprises have the right to operate the door as soon as possible to the MOFTEC for the record, the relevant contracts should organize as soon as possible, as the exhaustion of one-year “transition period.”

In addition, enterprises can take advantage of the favorable terms of Notice No. 44, such as deep processing carry-over model as far as possible in order to import materials or export goods between the two small side to declare the amount of deposit so as to reduce the margin of the burden.

Enterprises should also accelerate the pace of production logistics and reduce the stock of imported materials, the use of public-type and own bonded warehouses, on the margin of the burden of heavy import duties on goods to make use of a large decrease in alternative commodities, for the State Export-Import Bank lending interest rate support, margin pressure will be lower.

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