The Scale of Semiconductor Lighting Industry Who Will Have Opportunities Over a Hundred Million

Recently, the author notes in the National Development and Reform Commission official website, the NDRC released the same day, two sources said, China’s semiconductor lighting to promote the healthy development of energy-saving industry, the National Development and Reform Commission are speeding up the development of “energy saving environmental protection industry development plan” and “On the semiconductor lighting energy industry view”, and has been sent to relevant departments for comments.

“Enterprises can focus on how to develop better quality, longer life, lower prices, this will create consumers, businesses and government win-win situation.” NVC Lighting Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd spokesman Shi Yong Army, said during an interview, the relevant state policy is not issued before the company not only to make products, but also good energy-saving lighting products, promotion and publicity, now has the support of the national favorable policies, local governments are actively promotion of energy-saving lighting products, indirectly raises the energy-saving products of social recognition.

The face of this huge market, tempting cake, lighting energy enterprises have the layout, staking their claims.

I NVC Lighting from lighting giants learned Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, established in large-scale energy-saving lamp production base is fully operational. The base design of annual energy-saving lamps and capillary 250 million, this figure will account for China’s energy-saving lamp production capacity nearly 10% share, NVC to became Asia’s largest manufacturers of energy-saving lamps.

“Supporting local energy-efficient lighting industry is rich in resources, coupled with strong support for enterprise development, local government, energy saving lighting industry, government long-term development plan is conducive to the development of enterprises.” Commenting on why NVC production base in Zhejiang Quzhou choice, the Shi Yong Army says.

The Lighting Association Wengmao Yuan, Zhejiang Province, told the author, Jiangshan the local industry chain is relatively good, whether it is light, filament, or the entire light field, both have advantages. Meanwhile, the three friends Electronics Co., Ltd. of Zhejiang Province’s energy-saving lamp production scale and output ranked first in the country, can NVC such as energy companies provide high-quality lighting lamps.

The generous layout of NVC in Zhejiang industrial energy-saving lamps, lighting market is undoubtedly the major opportunities to win. With strong R & D and manufacturing capabilities, all of the key energy-saving lamps NVC components basically achieved in the production, not only in various manufacturing sectors for cost control, but also to ensure the overall quality of energy-saving lamp reliability and consistency, greatly improved energy efficiency signals are competitive.

By the end of 2008, countries in the “Program for the restructuring and revitalization of light” in clearly: “ordinary incandescent lamp production in 2009 than in 2008, down 15%, compact fluorescent yield increase of 30% compared to 2008,” which indicates the Government’s energy-saving lamps promotional efforts will increase. Introduced early in the planning, the State Development and Reform Commission and the United Nations Development Programme jointly launched the “China to phase out incandescent light and speeding up energy-saving lamps” project. The general consensus is that the domestic industry: energy-saving alternative to incandescent lamp of the next few years will be major changes in the lighting market, has great energy saving lamp room for growth.

According to incomplete statistics, China’s semiconductor lighting industry has been over a hundred billion industry scale.

“Semiconductor lighting industry as the fire and incandescent lighting after the third revolution, the market is very promising.” Wengmao Yuan told the author, whether government, business or academics, for the semiconductor lighting industry are very promising, but, at this stage a comprehensive promotion or differences.

First of all, the price is more expensive, families in the area of end users to use or not use; second, in the life of the semiconductor problems. “Therefore, lighting or other countries to promote investment in areas of relatively smooth.” Wengmao Yuan said the comprehensive promotion of semiconductor lighting, there are still difficulties.

Wengmao Yuan’s views and actions coincide with national regulatory authorities.

According to informed sources, the National Development and Reform Commission to develop the “views of the semiconductor lighting energy industry,” indicate the future development of major ideas, such as “concentrated advantage of resources in support of key enterprises, plans for the future formation of 3-5 furniture with international competition power semiconductor lighting energy enterprises “and” support the semiconductor excitation energy with independent intellectual property business. “terminal areas and for family use, not mentioned.

Situation from the industry as a whole, household penetration is not high LED lighting, semiconductors in laptops, the TV application is still in its infancy, now are used for liquid crystal display. Wengmao Yuan said that national regulatory authorities should establish standards for the lighting industry alliance to reduce the industry’s low and disorderly competition. At the same time should give preferential policies to support enterprises to develop energy-saving light source and lighting outside the new market.

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